Volume 67, Issue 2, Jul. 2023
International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
ISSN: 2351-8014
Saturday 27 July 2024






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Volume 67, Issue 2, Jul. 2023


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Perspectives and reflections of prospective teachers on home-base agriculture practical training in a restrictive environment on the tropical island of Tobago: A case study
Author(s): William Mollineau and Trevor Garcia
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
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Selection of a relational DBaaS by analyzing its main characteristics for an information system
[ Selección de una DBaaS relacional mediante el análisis de sus principales características para un sistema de información ]

Author(s): Elizabeth Sola Lira, Juan Ramos Ramos, María Janaí Sánchez Hernández, José Juan Hernández Mora, and Higinio Nava Bautista
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Electro and lithological facies characterization of the fluvial systems of the Ivorian Continental Terminal: Case of BNC1 drilling
[ Caractérisation des électro-faciès et faciès lithologique des systèmes fluviatiles du Continental terminal Ivoirien: Cas du forage BNC1 ]

Author(s): Ble N’Tayé Christian Arnaud, Assale Fori Yao Paul, Gbélé Ouattara, Dezaï Lemanois Eudes Evrard, Deneanh Stéphane, and Mondé Sylvain
Côte d’Ivoire
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Climatic Drought Characterization Using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Effects in the Tensift Watershed-Morocco
Author(s): Jawad El Hawari, Younes Bouhafa, Abd Ellatif Sinbri, Omar Ghadbane, Othman Rahimi, Aomar Achehboune, and Mohamed El Ghachi
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Systematic Literature Review on social media in Employee Recruitment and Selection (2018-2022)
Author(s): Smail Saadaoui and Bouchra Belmouffeq
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Selection and agronomic variability of twenty-nine accessions for the yield of bambara groundnut [Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt] cultivated in the Far West of Niger
Author(s): Abdou Zakary Yaou Ibrahim, Maina Fanna, Alhassane Agali, Ali Malam Labo Mohamed, Harouna Issa Amadou, and Idi Saidou Sani
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Feeding trial of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with feed containing rabbit droppings
[ Essai d’alimentation du tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) avec des aliments contenant des crottes de lapin ]

Author(s): Amakoé ADJANKE, Lamoussa LALLE, Ali K. KADANGA, and Atti Tchabi
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For optimal planning of peri-urban agricultural lands in Bobo-Dioulasso districts 3 and 4 in Burkina Faso
[ Pour une planification optimale des terres agricoles périurbaines des arrondissements 3 et 4 de Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): GANSAONRE Raogo Noël, SODORE Abdoul Azise, SANKARA Inoussa, and ZOUNGRANA Tanga Pierre
Burkina Faso
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Preliminary data on the lithology of the Diovo water borehole in Mbujimayi
[ Données préliminaires sur la lithologie du forage d’eau de Diovo à Mbujimayi ]

Author(s): Télesphore Mayiba, Albert KALAU, Divin Tshimanga, Elie TSHINGULI, Maclin Kabongo, Mersa KABANGU, Hippolyte MUTOMBO, Trésor Mulunda, and Crispin Musambayi
RD Congo
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Hydrogeological study on water drilling from Kanjiya to Mbujimayi: A contribution to the stratigraphic analysis of the Bushimay system
[ Etude hydrogéologique sur le forage d’eau de Kanjiya à Mbujimayi: Une contribution à l’analyse stratigraphique du système de la Bushimay ]

Author(s): Télesphore Mayiba, Maclin Kabemba Kabongo, Crispin Musambayi, Mersa KABANGU, Albert KALAU, Divin Tshimanga, and Elie TSHINGULI
RD Congo
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Number of finite topologies on a finite set: An approach of decomposition into partial topologies
[ Nombre de topologies finies sur un ensemble fini: Une approche de décomposition en topologies partielles ]

Author(s): Clara Paluku Kasoki and Salem Kumpovela
RD Congo
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First characterisation of the recreational fishermen population in the department of Korhogo (northern Côte d’Ivoire)
[ Première caractérisation de la population des pêcheurs récréatifs du département de Korhogo (nord de la Côte d’Ivoire) ]

Author(s): Koudou Dogbo, Jonas Penatiligué Bakary, Silué Pébanagnanan David, and Yéo Dotana
Côte d’Ivoire
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Analysis of the determinants of land conflicts in the department of Lakota (South-West Ivorian)
[ Analyse des déterminants des conflits fonciers dans le département de Lakota (Sud-Ouest Ivoirien) ]

Author(s): Gbodje Jean-François Aristide and Godi Jonas
Côte d’Ivoire
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E-learning and Moroccan universities: Case study of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane
[ E-learning et universités marocaines: Cas de l’Université Al Akhawayn d’Ifrane ]

Author(s): Ouafae Benzina and Wissal Chafik
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The influence of absenteeism on the performance of medical personnel in Chad
[ L’influence de l’absentéisme sur la performance du personnel médical sanitaire du Tchad ]

Author(s): Lopiagoto Noudjihoudou Désiré, Douanla Jean, and NOHOTIO KENNE Jean Mathurin
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Long-term evaluation of the impact of land use dynamics on runoff in the Haut Bandama watershed (Northern Ivory Coast)
[ Evaluation à long terme de l’impact de la dynamique de l’occupation des sols sur les écoulements dans le bassin versant du Haut Bandama (Nord Côte d’Ivoire) ]

Author(s): OUEDE Gla Blaise, Kouadio Zilé Alex, Yao Affoué Berthe, Kouassi Kouakou Lazare, and Diedihou Arona
Côte d’Ivoire
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Physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of termite mounds of cubitermes sp. (isoptera, termitidae) and anthills of pheidole sp. (hymenoptera, formicidae) in the sudano-sahelian zone in Mali
[ Caractéristiques physico-chimiques et microbiologiques des terres de termitières de cubitermes sp. (isoptera, termitidae) et de fourmilières de pheidole sp. (hymenoptera, formicidae) en zone soudano sahélienne au Mali ]

Author(s): Abou Coulibaly, Hawa Sanogo, Bakary Sagara, Bocar Ahamadou, and Amoro Coulibaly
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International migration of refugee family fisheries under the effect of coastal erosion and maritime submersion in Saint-Louis (Senegal)
Author(s): Abdoulaye Alassane BA and Abdoulaye NGOM
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Flora and vegetation of the ruderal areas of Azagny National Park and identification alien species
[ Flore et végétation des zones rudérales du Parc National d’Azagny et identification des espèces exotiques envahissantes ]

Author(s): Sopie Elvire Vanessa AKAFFOU, Zinsi Roseline GOULI GNANAZAN, Franck Placide Junior PAGNY, Kouassi Kouman Noël NANAN, Arthur Philippe DJAN, Ouattara MEVANLY, and TIÉBRÉ Marie-Solange
Côte d’Ivoire
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Proposal for a green belt along Lake-Kivu in the city of Goma: A new anticipation strategy for the danger of the disaster of tectonic origin at the level of Lake-Kivu (DR Congo)
[ Proposition d’une ceinture verte le long du Lac-Kivu dans la ville de Goma: Une nouvelle stratégie d’anticipation au danger de la catastrophe d’origine tectonique au niveau du Lac-Kivu (RD Congo) ]

Author(s): Prosper BIZIMANA GAKURU, Jean-Ballon BIGOHE, and Willy N’SHOLE MAPUMA
RD Congo
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