Human-chimpanzee-livestock interactions in Pencely-Soyah-Sabouyah National Park pose increasing risks of zoonotic disease transmission and ecological degradation. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus), listed as endangered, are particularly vulnerable, as are local human communities that share their habitats. This study examines major zoonotic diseases (anthrax, yellow fever, tuberculosis, malaria, enteric diseases, and monkey measles) in the context of competition for vital resources and increasing human development.
Combining ethnobiology, statistical analyses, and qualitative and quantitative social research methods, the results show that the main foci of zoonotic transmission are located near water points, markets, butcheries, and ecological corridors frequented by chimpanzees. The study identifies several levels of threats: very low (presence of panthers: 11.38%), low (damage to crops and livestock: 13.05%), moderate (injuries and deaths related to human-chimpanzee interactions), high (decline of traditional conservation practices: 16.38%), and very high (transmission of zoonotic diseases: 20.55%). The most critical threat remains anthropization, which leads to a scarcity of essential resources (24.72%).
The transmission of emerging diseases and the deterioration of ecosystems represent major risks to public health and biodiversity. A proactive approach involving an epidemiologist is essential to monitor transmission modes, implement epidemiological intelligence strategies, and reduce the risk of contamination in this key region.
Since the start of democratic transitions in 1990, African states, including Togo, have often experienced violence during electoral periods. This concerns violence before, during and after the elections calling into question the organizational conditions or the results proclaimed by the competent institutions. As a result, the organization of free, transparent, peaceful elections, the results of which will not be questioned or contested in the streets, becomes for African States both a challenge and a requirement. Despite the violence observed during certain electoral consultations, Togo succeeded in meeting the challenge of organizing peaceful elections. The present research aims to analyze the determinants of the peaceful elections of 2007, 2010 and 2013 in Togo. To achieve this objective, we used a mixed methodology which combined documentary research and empirical research carried out in the field through observation and individual interviews with the target population. The results of the research reveal that the assistance of international bodies, the reform of the conditions for organizing elections and the establishment of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (CVJR) made it possible to pacify the political climate and avoid the violence.
This article addresses an agronomic characterization of 11 hybrid cocoa families established in 2001 at the Divo Station.
Objective. This study aims to determine the characteristics of CNRA Guyanese cocoa hybrids.
Eleven hybrid families including six Guyanese hybrids were evaluated in the field at the Divo station for seven parameters relating to production, vigor, pod filling and graining. The experimental design was a total randomization of single-tree plots. The Guyanese hybrids F1 (P7 x GU123-B) and F2 (P7 x GU284-B) with 1.5 kg/ha/year were more productive and resistant to black pod disease with 7% rotten pods. Concerning the technological character of the beans, three guyanese families F3 (IMC57 x GU123-B), F1 (P7 x GU123-B) and F7 (IFC11 x GU123-B) and were among the best families for the average weight of a commercial cocoa bean with respectively 1.30 g; 1.28 and 1.27. Multivariate analyses highlighted three groups, the first of which is composed of three hybrids F1, F2 and F200 (including two guyanese) productive and resistant to black pod. The second group is composed of seven hybrids F3, F4, F7, F13, F10, F14, F209 including four guyanese which were moderately productive and less vigorous and the third group includes a control hybrid F203 with good graining.
This study shows that the Guyanese families F1 and F2 presented the best yield and resistance to brown pod rot. These promising results constitute an indicator for the breeder in the choice of genotypes to use as parents in the context of improving cocoa trees for certain traits of agronomic interest. The best trees of this family could be introduced into the cocoa genetic improvement program in Côte d’Ivoire.
Present in traditional African societies and essentially focused on satisfying family needs, pottery is experiencing a craze at the pace of the evolution of contemporary societies. In Côte d’Ivoire, the center and north of the country are experiencing a dynamism in the pottery sector, closely linked to the dynamism of human interactions and the growth of tourism. In Tanou-Sakassou, a village located in the commune of Bouaké, in the center of Côte d’Ivoire, pottery occupies an important place in the socio-economic activities of the said village. As an integral part of its identity, pottery stimulates the tourist attractiveness of the village of Tanou-Sakassou, while de facto guaranteeing the sustainability of the practice of pottery activity within this village. However, the dynamism of this activity, thanks in particular to the adhesion of a new generation inclined towards modernism, has negative impacts on the natural environment. Based on this, this article aims to analyze the changes in the practice of pottery activity due to tourism as well as its impacts on the natural environment in the village of Tanou-Sakassou. To achieve this, we opted for a methodological approach composed of a bibliographical research and a field survey.
The formations of the South-West of the city of Mbujimayi are mainly magmatic intersected by contact metamorphic intrusions and covered by some recent alluviums. These are particularly Archean formations whose characteristic lithologies are: Sandstone, gneiss and granitoids. Regional tectonics has affected this sector generating brittle and planar microstructures which attest to the compressive and extensive phases that this terrain zone has experienced, confirmed even in the study of stresses by WIN TENSOR. The preferential orientation of planar magmatic fluidities and NNW-SSE foliations recorded on the formations of this zone would justify the existence of a vast regional folding, while the double orientation of the breaks reflects two phases of local deformations that affected this sector.
This research work focuses on the lithostratigraphic correlation between the Bushimay watershed (Kasai Oriental Province, DRC) and that of Lomami (Lomami Province). The two study areas are located in the northern part of the central core of the Kasai Block of the Congo Craton. The drilling work made it possible to specify the lithostratigraphy and de facto the geological correlation. The set of stratigraphic logs calls for the following comment: A lithostratigraphic succession from top to bottom of the series, with variable thicknesses, of: ochre clayey sand of the Kalahari, top of cover formations consisting of sandstone with variable grain size and thin intercalary layers of argillites, breccia mainly with sandstone matrix, calcareous and/or granitic pebbles, Intrusion of a kimberlitic breccia whose age would be the same as that of the Bakuanga breccias, i.e. nearly 70 Ma classified in group 1, Proterozoic limestone and dolomite quasi-contemporary in sedimentation with the doleritic and basaltic magmatic pulses, an Archean basement consisting of ultrabasic rocks, in this case serpentinite and pyroxenite in contact with the granitoids. The transition from ultrabasites to the granitoids is characterized by a zone with quartz veinlets. This lithostratigraphic succession is similar in both the Bushimay and Lomami basins, with the only difference being that the basement (f) has not been intersected by drilling or identified in outcrops in the Lomami basin. This fact is probably justified by the increasingly greater thicknesses of the cover rocks from the W to the E. This basement outcrops to the W of the Bushimay basin and plunges towards the E from Boya. Everything appears that from Boya towards the E we move towards the interior of a sedimentation basin that becomes deeper and deeper and thus promotes deposits of increasingly thick sediments.
For decades, development initiatives aimed at strengthening the resilience of rural populations in Niger have focused on restoring degraded land. The aim of this study, carried out in the Ouallam department in western Niger, is to determine the impact of sylvopastoral site management in improving the living conditions of the beneficiary populations. The methodology involved interviews with a sample of 384 beneficiaries in the rural communes of Simiri and Tondikiwindi. The assessment of the socio-economic impacts of silvopastoral site development activities analyzed the elements of security of household living conditions, namely food, health, education, water, income and social cohesion within the population. The results show that food security and nutritional status have been improved by the food distribution operations. Access to water, technical capacity, income and social cohesion have also been improved. Rural exodus has also been reduced. The restoration of silvopastoral sites and capacity-building activities have helped to improve living conditions and community resilience.
The present study aims to determine the best organo-mineral fertilization formula for increased production of seed corn at the Faranah/ ISAV. A Randomized Complete Block experimental design comprising variants (D0; D4+50; D6+75; D8+100; D0+150 and D12+0) each repeated three times was carried out.
During the vegetative phases the findings revealed that the highest Daily Growth Rates obtained on the 35th Day After Sowing (DAS) with D0 (2.30 cm/day); on the 45th and 55th DAS with D0+150 (2.00 and 4.97cm/day) respectively. At maturity, the tallest plants were obtained with the doses D12+0 (233.00 cm) and D8+100 (232.67 cm) and the shortest plants with D4+50 (192.83 cm).
Respective gains of 480kg/ha; 1050kg/ha, 1340kg/ha; 1360 kg/ha and 1880 kg/ha of seed corn yield were obtained with the increase in doses and types of fertilizers used compared to the control. The highest corn seed yields were obtained with the D12+0 and D0+150 inputs, either 4870 and 4350 kg/ha respectively compared to the unfertilized control which obtained 2990 kg/ha. As part of the sustainable improvement in seed corn productivity at ISAV in Faranah, organic manure fertilizer such as cow dung at a dose of 12 000 kg / ha (D12+0) and Triple 17 mineral fertilizer at a dose of 150 kg/ha (D0+150) would be a practice to be popularized.
Niger’s local breeds have low production parameters. The Azawak breed was selected for genetic improvement at the Toukounous station. Research has introduced crossbreeding through artificial insemination, importing semen from the Brune des Alpes bull to improve the breed’s performance. The study involved 75 crossbreds and 13 Azawak males. The aim was to determine the weights (at birth, typical age and live weights) and the weights of the different parts of the animal’s 5th quarter, as well as the carcass yield of the males (crossbred and Azawak). Birth weights for crossbreds and Azawak were 29.82 4.76kg and 22.78 1.78kg respectively. Live weight was 459.25 92.74kg for Azawak and 591.09 55.59kg for crossbreds. Carcass yields were 46.72% and 47.82% respectively for crossbreds aged 2 to 3 years and Azawaks aged 5 to 9 years. All this shows that crossbreeding gives a better vision to be continued to see the performances since this study is only one part of the research to draw the final conclusion on crossbreeding in Niger.
Cryptocurrencies have gained extreme popularity in recent years. With the advent of Blockchain technology and Smart Contracts, the need for third parties or intermediaries for regulation and management has been eliminated. This has resulted in the growing adoption of digital currency and decentralized applications based on them. This article talks about the evolution of cryptocurrency and its advancements since the idea was introduced in 1983 by David Chaum. It also states about the cryptographic principles, several layers in the Blockchain technology, the smart contracts written in Solidity on Ethereum platform, and Decentralized Applications based on them. Some of the popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and other Alternate Coins are also mentioned. However, there exist several legal and regulatory issues which are associated with the use of cryptocurrencies. These issues must be taken care of before moving towards the complete acceptance of these digital currencies. Hence, such issues are also highlighted in this study. Further, cryptocurrencies have found many applications including cross-border transactions, decentralized financial systems, and supply chain tracking, which are also discussed. Finally, the history and current status of cryptocurrency in India has been explored and the platforms where investors can buy and sell them are mentioned. This paper will serve as a guide for understanding the key concept of cryptocurrency, while also highlighting its practical applications. Further, the research community can study user behaviour and market ecosystems in different cryptocurrency platforms.