Study of diameter structure of Pterocarpus soyauxii Taub species has been undertaken in Yoko Forest Reserve and Biaro Forest into two permanent dispositive of 400 ha each one. This work has objectives based on density distribution by diameter class and pedological parameters in the two selected sites. All stems of dbh ≥ 10 cm of the studied species have been inventoried, measured through 40 bands of 10 ha each one and soil samples were also collected in the two sites. 1051 trees were indexed with 663 inventoried in Biaro forest. This one present a good reconstitution of stems species for having many individuals into inferior diameters classes. The results of the pedological analyses showed that the two sites have an acid soil.
This study conducted as part of the reforestation mechanism aimed to determine deforestation engines and social and environmental impacts in the vicinity of the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, while proposing solution strategies. The method of purposive sampling surveys and participatory research method action (PRMA) and the documentary method were applied to the data collection. The ranking technique in the focus group, observation and interviewing techniques have helped us get the required information in this fact. For data analysis, we used the Excel program to statistical inference for other quantitative analyzes. In this investigation, we selected the following : - Population growth and deforestation resulting impact on the activities and available resources ; - Each village has its realities on alternative activities, but the burning up system of field in agriculture remains the peasant activity and the main driver of deforestation in the hinterland of the city of Kisangani. Perceptions of different problems from one area to another; - Options (strategies) for the development should be developed in a participatory manner. The framing of the farmers in other income generating activities like breeding, small trade, etc., according to the site but also on the agricultural techniques with reduced environmental impact such as the rotation of crops with leguminous plants, the use of the improved varieties and the agro-forestry would permit to decrease the human pressure on the environment.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is an under developed country. Her growth requires the contribution of different domains of social life. It is on this ground that this study has been devoted the analysis for the variables of performance at ISP, ISC and ISTM Ilebo, which ascertains progressive depreciation of higher learning education system in particular, in this part of national territory and in the DR Congo in general.
Notwithstanding the growing of the higher learning public institutions in teaching at Ilebo, there is a question of quality assurance when these higher learning public institutions in teaching don’t make the competitive degree of education. We only noticed the indicative of performance below: human resources, governance, financial resources, students, academic activities, the mobility of academic and scientific staff, scientific activities, basic equipment, library and influential negative partner at the excellence level of teaching
In ender to take up the challenge ISP, ISC and ISTM should involve Congolese higher learning institutions actors as much at external level as internal so as to make an effective competitive trimming at national and international level.
Les errements des accords sino-congolais, contrairement à toutes les attentes de la République Démocratique du Congo pour son émergence, constituent les enjeux qui continuent à tarauder la méninge des analystes congolais. L’inertie de la RDC à la participation avec force aux échanges commerciaux internationaux constitue un défi majeur à l’émergence de cet Etat. En ce sens, cet article démontre la nécessité pour la RDC de revisiter et de réorienter carrément ces accords si possible vers son industrialisation lourde en lieu et place des infrastructures. De toute évidence près, l’industrialisation de la RDC serait une prospective possible de la diversification de l’économie nationale et pourquoi pas de la transformation des minerais en vue d’obtenir un plus-value de ses produits de base. Il sied de signaler que les matières premières sur base desquelles les accords sino-congolais ont été conclus, sont les ressources épuisables et non renouvelables et de ce point de vue, les tonnages estimés des minerais par ces accords sont colossaux voire dangereux pour la gestion durable de la RDC et sont capables de dépouiller ce pays de son slogan à tort ou à raison de scandale géologique. D’où cette étude appelle la RDC à l’usage rationnel de son boom de minerais et tenir compte des générations futures (le développement durable). L’utopisme et l’irréalisme sont présents sur la coopération sino-congolais et le futur possible pour l’émergence de la RDC en devient hypothétique car cette recherche démontre qu’il s’agit d’un accord de coopération Léonin Où seule la Chine tire la part de lion. A ce fait, l’étude fait une interpellation à la diplomatie économique de la RDC à agir conséquemment pour que les accords sino-congolais puissent être l’élément déclencheur de développement de la RDC.
The agricultural producers of Bugorhe are confronted to difficulties that stop them from extricating profit of the merchandising of the corn that they produce.
The corn is merchandised in cool state during the seasonal abundances and his/her/its price is generally low. So, after harvest and analysis of research data on the agricultural households of Bugorhe, the following results have been gotten:
- 86,45% of agricultural households investigated are affected by the disruption of price of the corn; 60,41% confirm the instability of the corn price that they produce; 79,16% affirm that they generally sell their corn in the field; 83,33% sell their corn to the local retailers during the seasonal abundances; 82,29% lack possibilities to integrate markets to strong commercial opportunities, etc; as main agricultural producer difficulties investigated.
- 70, 83% recommend that he/it would be desirable that the corn is in merchandised big quantity and distributed on the big markets to strong commercial potentialities, to strong demands so that it generates more financial returns to the agricultural producers; whereas 41,66% and 37,5% are favorable so that the product is distributed and merchandised on big markets and on the urban markets so that the agricultural producers win more in this activity.
The public transportation using taxis-motorcycles and vehicles of any sometimes second-hand marks, is a real contributor for the creation of the employment for the benefit of the idle, at a loose end and deprived young people stemming from poor rural families at present in the rural centers situated in the North of the city of Bukavu in Sud-Kivu, particularly the centers of Miti situated in 23 kilometers in the North of Bukavu and Kavumu to 30 kilometers of Bukavu on the road number 2 connecting the cities of Bukavu and Goma east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
However, in consideration of inadequacies observed and described in this article, the informal operators exploiting vehicles of any marks and second-hand and dilapidated taxis-motorcycles, do not assure in a regular and satisfactory way this service left by the State and left with the only private actors.
This publication which had the aim to demonstrate the contribution of the emergence of the public transport in the creation of the employment to the young persons at a loose end, idle, deprived and abandoned by Miti and by Kavumu, arrived at the following results:
- 588 uses of vehicle drivers have been created in four years of 2013 to 2016, either 147 uses per year in the two centers; 138 uses for conveyors of vehicles, either 34 uses by year and 32 agents of parking lots of 2013 to 2016, either 8 uses every year, whatever these uses are sometimes precarious.
- 510 uses of motorcyclists or taximen-motorcycle (either 127 per year), 38 uses of agents employees to parking lots of taxicab-motorcycles are 9 uses created the year, 37 uses of recovers, either 9 uses per year in the center of Miti.
- 732 uses of motorcyclists or taximen-motorcycle (either 183 per year) for Kavumu, 51 uses of agents’ employees to parking lots of taxicab-motorcycles are 12 uses the year and 16 uses of recovers, either 4 uses per year still for the young idlers of the center of Kavumu.
La prise en charge holistique d’un nouveau-né malformé est complexe et laborieux aussi bien pour le personnel soignant que pour la famille. L’objectif de notre étude était d’identifier et décrire les différentes malformations congénitales externe objectivée a la naissance dans notre milieu et période d’étude ; qui est mené à l’unité de néonatologie de l’hôpital provincial du Nord-Kivu et cela du 1er Janvier 2011 au 31 Décembre 2016. Sur une population de 1539 nouveau-nés admis dans cette unité de néonatologie, nous avons inclus d’une manière exhaustive et de convenance 52 nouveau-nés. La présence d’une ou plusieurs malformations était notre critère important de jugement pour l’inclusion. Les diverses variables considérées : sexe, âge maternel, parité, assiduité aux CPN, présence d’infection urogénitale, types de malformations et issus. Ont été recueillie sur une fiche d’enquête individuelle préétablie à cette fin. Les données ont été saisies, traitée et enregistrée sur le logiciel Microsoft Word et Excell 2010. L’analyse était faite sur le logiciel SPSS 20.0. Ainsi l’étude révèle une fréquence de 3.4%, une prédominance du genre féminin à 53,8%. Les malformations digestives sont les plus fréquentes à 48,0% et on note un taux de décès de 59,6%. En conclusion, une recherche étiologique s’avère nécessaire pour planifier une prévention adéquate.
A study of the problem of low food production to the development of Maniema. Case of the rice sector in the city of Kindu and its hinterlands was conducted in the province of Maniema, Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to determine the causes of low food production in general and rice particularly in Kindu and its hinterlands.
After two years, the variety of rice of 5 months was more used by the producers compared to all the other varieties despite its low productivity. There is a significant difference exists as to the methods of acquisition of rice fields, given that many of farm households are dealers who occupy the large tracts of land without developing them and the traditional farming techniques were more applied than modern techniques.
Beyond doubt water is vital in promoting the population's well-being and quality of the urban environment. However, in the cities of the developing countries, the supply of water does not match water demand. This paper briefly present part of findings of a study carried out in Dodoma Municipality on Promoting Low Income Housing for Livelihoods of Low Income Households. The aim of the paper is to create awareness of the public on the impact of water reforms on the urban environment in Dodoma Municipality.
Concerning methodology, the intensive fieldwork was carried out in four study areas namely Chidachi, Chilewa, Chadulu and Maweni because the neighbourhoods have used piped water for a decade thus have adequate and accessible data and information on the impact of water reforms on the urban environment in Dodoma Municipality. Specifically, the study investigated the impact of water reforms on the urban environment in Dodoma Municipality. Data collection methods were documentary review, physical observation, interviews and focus group discussions. The data was analysed by using computer software namely IBM SPSS Statistics.
The study found that one of the water reforms was commercialization of water service delivery. The water authorities got autonomy on water supply. To improve water services, new water tariffs were introduced as a result there was overly high burden water costs which in turn limited availability of water for irrigating flower gardens. For instance, out of 34 institutions involved in the study four have developed and maintained flower gardens. In addition, 35 households out of 240 respondents involved in the study had flower gardens.
The paper concludes that water reforms have brought about negative impacts on the urban environment. Socially, the water reforms have largely benefited members of the high income households who occupy a relatively small area of the urban population. In Dodoma, the high income households also own plots in unplanned settlements. However, due to dispersed nature of the high income plots their flower gardens have improved urban vista at the household level but failed to bring out beauty vista of the entire urban environment.
Basing on the findings, the paper recommends that there is a need to review water tariffs to encourage urban environmental groups to efficiently promote flower gardens. Promoting flower gardens will first beautify the urban environment. Secondly, promote flower gardens will increase employment opportunities. More people will be employed by the environmental groups in growing pot flowers, in landscaping and selling pot flowers.
The present study was carried out within the framework of knowing the evolution of the culture of voluble bean in the grouping of Miti. This culture is a leguminous plant which is consumed much by the inhabitants of the countries of the large lakes, where a person consumes per annum a quantity is equivalent to 50kg. However very significant for the inhabitants of the poor countries because its proteins measure with compasses those of origin with difficulty animal shows by the latter. Separately the voluble bean, there exists also the dwarf bean, but since the varieties of voluble bean were introduced, we saw all the agricultural producers embracing these last after they noted his production higher compared to dwarf bean. For testified acceptance to this culture, we saw all the farmers adopting sowings on line according to whether the popularizes theirs recommended, tans disc for the other cultures the majority sows their cultures in bulk, in spite of the councils received by some organizers. With this adoption, one could find almost everywhere this culture in all the fields and that for all the crop years. Curiously, after a time, we attended a regression, so that the culture is quasi non-existent in the medium. After study, we realized that most of the evaluated owners with 85% gave up the culture following the lack of the tutors and only one small number gave up for other reasons.