The agricultural producers of Bugorhe are confronted to difficulties that stop them from extricating profit of the merchandising of the corn that they produce.
The corn is merchandised in cool state during the seasonal abundances and his/her/its price is generally low. So, after harvest and analysis of research data on the agricultural households of Bugorhe, the following results have been gotten:
- 86,45% of agricultural households investigated are affected by the disruption of price of the corn; 60,41% confirm the instability of the corn price that they produce; 79,16% affirm that they generally sell their corn in the field; 83,33% sell their corn to the local retailers during the seasonal abundances; 82,29% lack possibilities to integrate markets to strong commercial opportunities, etc; as main agricultural producer difficulties investigated.
- 70, 83% recommend that he/it would be desirable that the corn is in merchandised big quantity and distributed on the big markets to strong commercial potentialities, to strong demands so that it generates more financial returns to the agricultural producers; whereas 41,66% and 37,5% are favorable so that the product is distributed and merchandised on big markets and on the urban markets so that the agricultural producers win more in this activity.
The public transportation using taxis-motorcycles and vehicles of any sometimes second-hand marks, is a real contributor for the creation of the employment for the benefit of the idle, at a loose end and deprived young people stemming from poor rural families at present in the rural centers situated in the North of the city of Bukavu in Sud-Kivu, particularly the centers of Miti situated in 23 kilometers in the North of Bukavu and Kavumu to 30 kilometers of Bukavu on the road number 2 connecting the cities of Bukavu and Goma east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
However, in consideration of inadequacies observed and described in this article, the informal operators exploiting vehicles of any marks and second-hand and dilapidated taxis-motorcycles, do not assure in a regular and satisfactory way this service left by the State and left with the only private actors.
This publication which had the aim to demonstrate the contribution of the emergence of the public transport in the creation of the employment to the young persons at a loose end, idle, deprived and abandoned by Miti and by Kavumu, arrived at the following results:
- 588 uses of vehicle drivers have been created in four years of 2013 to 2016, either 147 uses per year in the two centers; 138 uses for conveyors of vehicles, either 34 uses by year and 32 agents of parking lots of 2013 to 2016, either 8 uses every year, whatever these uses are sometimes precarious.
- 510 uses of motorcyclists or taximen-motorcycle (either 127 per year), 38 uses of agents employees to parking lots of taxicab-motorcycles are 9 uses created the year, 37 uses of recovers, either 9 uses per year in the center of Miti.
- 732 uses of motorcyclists or taximen-motorcycle (either 183 per year) for Kavumu, 51 uses of agents’ employees to parking lots of taxicab-motorcycles are 12 uses the year and 16 uses of recovers, either 4 uses per year still for the young idlers of the center of Kavumu.