This study is the fruit of the investigations (searches) which were done during two years (from 2015 to 2016) about the question of “How young people of Ibanda City (Freetown) in Bukavu plunge in practice and in the life of alcoholism.
Practically, though the notice we would like to know this bad behavior of this category of people, who is, however the future hope, and suggest some ways (traks), in different domains, in order to save what can be saved on time.
A study on the etiology and management of hypertension was conducted in the urban-rural town of Basoko. Its objectives were:
- Determine factors that cause high blood pressure;
- Assess the management of the disease at the Basoko General Reference Hospital;
- Implement adequate therapeutic strategies for the management of high blood pressure, based on the recommendations of the High Authority for Health (HAS-2005).
A sample of 32 hypertensive subjects was diagnosed and treated at the Basoko General Reference Hospital. After analyzes, it was revealed that high blood pressure affects people over the age of 55 or older, and predominantly male. Stress, age, alcoholism and smoking are factors that predispose individuals to high blood pressure in Basoko. The treatment of this disease is based firstly on the hygiene-dietetic measures, then follows the treatment with the antihypertensive. The majority of hypertensive subjects hospitalized at the Reference General Hospital were discharged from the hospital with an improved state of health.
The aim of this study was to provide information on medicinal plants used to improve the reproductive health of pygmies’ women. An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in July 2016, involving 96 women living in Mbandaka commune and in four neighboring villages of Mbandaka town, on the basis of a fact sheet.
The identification of the plants was carried out in relation to the specimens available in the herbarium of the garden of Eala in the city of Mbandaka or to the Laboratory of systematic botany and plant ecology of the University of Kinshasa.
We have inventoried 35 plants species belonging to 27 families. The most represented being Euphorbiaceae (9%) and Asteraceae (9%). These 35 species are reported for 12 indications of use and are involved in the manufacture of 39 recipes. The leaf (43.6%) is the organ that brings the many recipes, followed by bark (33.3%).
Among the methods of preparation of recipes, beating and decoction are reported at the same frequency (28.2%). The main modes of administration of these receipts are oral (34.4%) and vaginal (34.4%). Wearing the plants organs on the hips is the least common mode (4.3%). Sexual appetite (22%) is the most common use, followed by birth spacing (12%) and vaginal narrowing (12%). These data reveal the way of life of the Pygmies and some problems to be solved in the context of reproductive health. It is important to establish the scientific basis for the phytotherapeutic uses reported by the surveyed population.
La problématique de la gestion des limites territoriales est une réalité qui s’observe à travers le monde et tous les cinq continents en sont touchés. Certains Etats, provinces, territoires voire villages chercheraient à tout pris à étendre leurs hégémonies par l’agrandissement de leurs espaces territoriaux et tous les moyens ou stratégies sont mis en œuvre quant à ce.
Les Etats africains en général et la République Démocratique du Congo en particulier est aussi touché par cette question de conflit des limites. Presque toutes les provinces de la République Démocratique du Congo connaissent ce phénomène ; c’est le cas notamment de l’ancienne province orientale démembrée singulièrement entre le territoire d’Aru (actuellement situé en Province de l’Ituri) et le territoire de Faradje (un des six territoires de la Province du Haut-Uélé).
Il s’observe que chacun de ces deux territoires affirme haut et fort que la chute de Ngbungbu se trouve sur son espace. Le contrôle de cette chute constitue l’enjeu majeur de ce différend.
Après analyse, nous pensons qu’il est plus qu’urgent que le Gouvernement Congolais par l’entremise de l’Institut Géographique du Congo puisse s’impliquer sans délai pour la délimitation définitive de ces limites afin de faciliter la cohabitation paisible entre les entités en présence.
Les textes constitutionnels rassemblent les règles qui fondent le statut de l’Etat et encadrent les phénomènes politiques : ils posent les règles du jeu politique et distribuent les rôles entre les différents acteurs. La rédaction d’une constitution est d’ailleurs une barrière contre l’absolutisme et l’arbitraire du pouvoir ; ce qui n’est pas d’application dans certains pays sous-développés.
La République Démocratique du Congo, depuis son indépendance en 1960, a connue plusieurs révisions constitutionnelles par le fait que les dirigeants congolais manquent la culture du respect des textes dans le but de s’éterniser au pouvoir tout en foulant au pied les prescrits de la loi fondamentale. Ce sont ces violations constitutionnelles qui constituent l’objet de la présente étude.
Ces violations des dispositions constitutionnelles et critiquer les stratégies mis en œuvre quant à ce.
La méthode systémique, la technique documentaire et l’interview libre ont été utilisées pour la réalisation de ce travail.
A l’issue des investigations, il se dégage que le système politique congolais dont les régimes politiques sont violés depuis la première à la troisième république en passant par la transition et la deuxième république regorgent des institutions politiques irrégulières dont les animateurs ne respectent pas la constitution.
La Constitution Confère au juge les compétences de sanctionner toutes les violations de ladite constitution, des traités et accords internationaux, lois ainsi que des règlements. Toujours dans la soutenance de l’Etat droit et des droits humains, le constituant dispose que dans le cas où il n’existe pas d’autres juridictions compétentes, de demande d’indemnités relative à la réparation du dommage exceptionnel, matériel ou moral résultant d’une mesure prise ou redonnées par les autorités de la République. Il se prononce en tenant compte de l’équité.
Nous aspirons que l’installation des juridictions de l’ordre administratif soit matérialisé. La majorité des congolais ne se limite à revendiquer leur droit que par devant les juge judicaire oubliant que dans le domaine administratif, il y a des mesures prises ou ordonnées par les autorités de la République leur préjudiciant matériellement et moralement. L’avènement des tribunaux administratifs serait une avancée très importante dans la promotion de l’Etat de droit et dans la promotion des droits humains en République Démocratique du Congo.
This study assesses the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of water from Buhama and Kalimbi springs in the health areas of Lemera and Kasheke in South Kivu from analyzes of the physicochemical and bacteriological properties of drinking water in these health areas. The results of physico-chemical analyze show that these waters, in general, are within the WHO recommended standards for drinking water. From the bacteriological point of view, it appears that some sites are polluted and carry germs that can harm the health of the population causing water-borne diseases. Thus, measures to combat this microbiological pollution aiming at setting up a committee supported by the political and administrative leaders for the management of water and the sensitization of the population on the water management and the water diseases must be taken before that the situation no longer becomes dangerous.
Improving the quality of higher education in D.R. Congo and in Several countries in the world is currently the priority objective fixed in different educative policies. Due to attention given to this question by those who seek effectiveness of higher education, we have evaluated the quality of teaching thanks to achieved performances of students by resorting to experimental approach. In this regard, we have compared the results of two thousand and twenty two (2022) students in ten promotions who have been submitted to pre-test and post-test. Considering students performances during pre-test and post-test, all the promotions are superior to 0,15. Nevertheless, students’ performances during post-test are superior to those of pre-test.
This study examines the possible report between the criteria of registration to the University of Kisangani and the academic success in the first academic cycle (3 years) in Democratic Republic of the Congo. The data on which door this publication, were brought together in 2014 and concern 2683 students registered in 8 Faculties in the first one graduat. It emerges after the analysis that the criteria of registration are not scrupulously respected. Besides, the effects of the criteria of registration are not systematic on the academic success at the level of the first academic cycle.
The weight and numeral productivity of traditional and half-stabulation livestock in the Ruzizi plain is threatened by a permanent state of endemic diseases and epizootics, among which foot-and-mouth disease inflicts morbidity and mortality on cattle herds in the communities of this entity. In view of the scattered efforts in finding solutions through a vaccination program, the study conducted consists of a synthesis of the complexity of a treatment of this viral epizootic or treatment mainly symptomatic, drastic and advanced comes to the rescue up to 100% danger for both calves and adult cattle in the area around the pilot farm based in Bwegera. While the action may seem costly, however to the uncertain preventive vaccine solution and the eradication measures not in sight, we contributed by this contribution of lesser evil.