Along with the development of the Internet of Things and its related technologies, various industries, especially the service industry, have evolved from being «informatized» to being «intelligentized». This trend has also brought changes to various services offered by museums in Taiwan. Indeed, the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, and robotics have brought museums the opportunity to develop innovative exhibitions, enhance their educational function, and realize their vision statements. In relation to the Intelligent Museum Project, the National Science and Technology Museum launched the Special Exhibition on Exploring the Internet of Things. In the Exhibition, technology education is integrated with research on information and communications technology, as well as daily life, via an interactive narrative on information and communications technology that grows by leaps and bounds. «Online to Onsite visitor behavior system» was also constructed to capture visitors’ behavior in a real-time manner, and to create the Internet of Things within the Special Exhibition of the Internet of Things. The challenges include: determining how to present the «virtual» internet world in the «real» Exhibition, conversion of the content of interactive exhibits, selection of narrative approaches, and construction of a database system.
When the Special Exhibition was launched in the National Science and Technology Museum during 2016-2017, the data were collected via the system constructed in the exhibition hall. An analysis of 14,960 entries of visitors’ behavior found that 98.4% of visitors were highly satisfied with the Exhibition; average time on site per visitor was 92 minutes; general performance of visitors’ behavior was 22.35 points, which falls into «high-level participation»; there was no «low-level participation». Judging from the comments and feedback provided by visitors, most of them are positive about the Exhibition. As such, it can be said that the educational function of the Special Exhibition on Exploring the Internet of Things has been realized.
The Northern Greece’s mountain pastures correspond at least to three phytosociological orders, the Daphno-Festucetalia which is proper to the Greek mountain, and two others that spread in Europe, the Festuco-Brometalia and the Nardetalia strictae, both found in lower altitude than in Greece. We used the relevés from Thrace, Macedonia and Thessaly from the previous 6 years’ national Conservation Status Assessment of the Natura 2000 network database, that last in 2015, to find the correspondence between the habitat types as they are codified in the Natura 2000 network, the phytosociological order and environmental variables quoted in the relevés. We have selected the relevés with less than 10% trees (417 relevés) and applied frequential analysis to establish clusters of Vegetation Groups (VG) and Relevés Groups (RG), using the same matrice Species x Relevés. We presented then the links betweeen each VG and each RG in a general table with the VG in column and the RG in lines where the RG are defined by their class values (altitude, geology, soil granulometry, rock cover and shrub cover). This could lead us to associate each VG to a phytosociological order and a Natura 2000 habitat type. The results showed for our sample an altitude around 1500m as a limit between, downwards, the Festuco-Brometalia and, upwards, the Daphno-Festucetalia and the Nardetalia. The results showed also the link between the Daphno-Festucetalia and limestone. For the Festuco-Brometalia the substrate is mainly basic, but it is frequently of tertiary deposits and alluvions.
Le voyage en tant qu’acte de déplacement est une activité humaine qui frise le besoin. Cette constante culturelle constitue la toile de fond des œuvres depuis l’antiquité, en passant par le voyage d’Ulysse, les voyages des chevaliers, des explorateurs, des missionnaires, des romantiques etc. Pour l’âme humaine, le voyage est d’une nécessité irrévocable car il est une source méritoire d’apprentissage comme l’affirme H. Miller: « Une destination n’est jamais un lieu, mais une nouvelle façon de voir les choses » (Miller, p. 40). C’est ce que nous montre encore le voyage effectué par Isabelle Eberhardt que nous allons découvrir à travers son ouvrage Notes de route: Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, sorte d’odyssée saharienne. Notre but sera atteint si nous montrons en quoi cette œuvre, objet de tant de lectures et de critiques, fait foi de prolixité en se repliant sur des territoires inexplorés semblables aux terres australes. Pour une réponse calibrée, notre étude emprunte deux voies à jamais impensables. Dans un premier temps, il est intéressant d’approcher le genre de cette œuvre et le mesurer à l’aune de la profession journalistique de l’écrivaine et l’hégémonie de son aisthesis. Partie consacrée à la mise en scène en tant que lieu textuel de « pactisation » autour de la parrêsia du narré, qui décèle l’achoppement de ce procédé sur le sillon des impressions impossible d’outre-passer. Prises en charge par des micro-récits phénoménologiques, les effusions, manifestation subjectives du moi intime, jouent en défaveur de ce contrat de lecture. Le deuxième pan semble être l’enjeu majeur de notre étude. Le texte nous livre en quoi tracer une expérience d’investissement dans une « esthétique de l’existence », accent incantatoire de l’œuvre, menée à travers la quête de l’identité et de l’authenticité ontologique.
The decoction of Morinda lucida leaves is used by ivorian traditional healers in the treatment of inflammation. This study seeks the scientific foundations of this practice. It evaluates the anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous extracts from Morinda lucida leaves and then performs phytochemical screening to indicate the chemical groups responsible for the activity. In relation to the anti-inflammatory activity, the results obtained with Morinda lucida were compared to those of physiological control (NaCl 0.9%) and the diclofenac sodium 25 mg/kg. The parameter considered for this purpose is the percentage increase in paw circumference (%AUG). These results showed at p<0.001 a significant difference between the %AUG of phytomedicine treatment at different doses and those of NaCl. However, at the dose of 7350 mg/kg administered orally, the %AUG of the phytomedicine are statically the same as those of diclofenac 25 mg/kg. This section reveals that the aqueous extracts of the leaves of Morinda lucida have anti-inflammatory properties. Concerning the tri-phytochemical tests, the results indicated that the leaves of Morinda lucida contains: alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, sterols and polyterpenes. These chemical groups could justify the anti-inflammatory activity of the plant.
The present study is conducted in the villages bordering the Togodo-Sud National Park (PNTS), which is grouped into four cantons (Tométy-Kondji, Sedomé, Gboto and Esse-Godjin) in the Yoto 3 commune of Togo. The populations have difficult access to health care and drinking water. Extemporaneous preparations of water-based phytomedicines (PEP) can be a source of contamination due to chemical pollutants. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contamination of PEP and drinking water used in the PNTS area by metallic trace elements (MTE). Thus, fifteen (15) samples each of PEP and ECU were taken in two seasons (dry and rainy) and 09 parameters were analysed: total iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg).
The results show that the majority of the samples from the PEPs do not comply with the WHO and EU standards by almost 80%. Also, the highest concentrations of harmful elements were detected in the dry season. For Cd, the maximum concentration in PEP is 0.014 mg/l in the dry season against 0.002 mg/l in the rainy season. Also, Pb levels vary from 0.103 mg/l in the dry season to 0.113 mg/l in the rainy season. With regard to ECU, the maximum Cd concentration is 0.008 mg/l in the dry season. Pb levels reach 0.102 mg/l in the dry season and from 0 to 0.061 mg/l in the rainy season. Extreme concentrations were also observed with the other parameters.
The results show limitations in the use of the samples. In view of these results, microbiological and bacteriological analyses are important in order to raise awareness among the population.
The objective of this study is to map the land cover units (LCU) of the Plateau of Allada from the supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method of Landsat multi-spectral images (TM 1986, ETM+ 2000 and OLI 2020) and to highlight their evolutions by analyzing the areas and the rates of change. The approach used combines image pre-processing, identification of land use unit classes, construction and execution of supervised classification by the maximum likelihood method and quantification of change. All of these treatments applied to the images, allowed us to obtain the land use maps in 1986, 2000 and 2020 with five land use classes (forest/gallery/swamp, plantation, mosaic/fallow/crops, dwellings/bare ground, and water yard). Analysis of the dynamics of the land use units from 1986 to 2020 shows a progressive trend in the area of the mosaic/crop/fallow (25.97%) and habitat/bare soil (10.51%) classes and a regressive trend in the forest/gallery/swamp (-5.82%), plantation (-0.13%) and water (-0.25%) classes. Quantification of change from 1986 to 2020 is assessed by an estimated rate of change (Tc) of -5.82% (forest/gallery/swamp); 1.38% (mosaic/fallow/crop); 2.79% (dwellings/bare ground); -0.13% (plantations) and -0.25% (watercourse). This evolution is due to the expansion of the housing/bare soil and the mosaic/fallow/crops areas. This is the result of the strong human pressure on the vegetation formations. These results constitute a decision-making tool for the sustainable management and urbanisation of the Plateau of Allada.