Part of studies on the efficiency of the education system, this study aims to determine the individual variables of the school principal which significantly influence the performance of schoolchildren in life skills. After analyzing performance, the conclusions are as follows:From the demographic background, the best performances are those of schools run by women; also, the oldest directors produce better results. This question refers to the director’s seniority and experience.Regarding qualifications, schools lead by Graduate Directors produce the best results against State Graduates and Licensees. The directors who have achieved a high percentage in state exams are not necessarily those with the best results for schoolchildren. As for the option followed in secondary school by the directors, no difference was recorded.Seniority as director and seniority in the current school affect results despite atypical cases. For recycling, non-recycled managers achieved better results than recycled. The best performances are those of the most populated schools, contrary to pedagogical expectations.Homogeneous schools are more efficient than mixed schools. The number of teachers and the number of qualified teachers in schools led to significant differences in performance.Schoolchildren's results differ significantly according to several characteristics of the principals. It seems important to consider these when recruiting and promoting teachers to this school steering. Considering that we are in the humanities sciences, these results should be considered with caution and relativity.
This article laid down the objective to identify the characteristics of the teacher in function of which the performances of the schoolboys out of skills life differ significantly. Based on the demographic characteristics, the qualifications, the experiment of the teacher and the composition of the class, this study led to the results hereafter:
Two characteristics of the demographic background of the teacher proved significantly acting on the performances of the schoolboys: the sex and the age of the teacher. In the teacher’s background of the qualifications, it is the percentage carried out with the state examinations which proved to be significant contrary but not the studies’ level.
For the experiment of the teacher, all the variables retained for this study had an effect on the performances of the schoolboys: duration of the diploma, seniority in teaching, at the school and in the class and recycling. Let us note nevertheless that recycling showed a contrary effect rather.
Concerning the composition of the class, a significant effect was found to the number of pupils and the percentage of the girls in the class. About these results, certainly, the teacher’s characteristics constitute a substantial component in the education quality sought so much by all. However, it will not be rational to consider the significant variables here proven without taking account of the context, the medium and the moment in which evolves/moves an education system and especially of the effects of the analyses differentiating the "teacher’s characteristics" from the «educational practices".
The aim of this article on educational alignment in mathematics and French in Goma primary schools is to: "Check whether, during the teaching-learning process, Goma primary school teachers apply the theory correctly pedagogical alignment ". In other words, check if there is consistency between the components of the pedagogical alignment. The results of the study show that these teachers have shortcomings in the application of this theory. Training is therefore necessary.
Our concern was to know if the recommendations made at the end of the study conducted in Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on variables related to the student explaining differences in performance of schoolchildren may be applicable without difficulties in the concerned town, a question of their feasibility.
Thinking about it, we concluded that:
- Economic, security or professional constraints may prevent compliance with the age of the beginning of primary education.
- Bilingualism or multilingualism rest the intermediate way instead of exclusive and early of the French learning.
- The influence of the disunity of couples depends from one country to another, from one culture to another.
- Maintaining permanent contact with children in case of no cohabitation compensates for the problem.
- Material goods return to the family's socio-economic problems; most of the parents are economically disadvantaged.
- The involvement of mothers to the homework must be supported and backed by other members of families.
- There are some situations leading necessarily to change schools. It is nevertheless recommended to keep the child in one school up to the end of the cycle.
The proposed recommendations are relevant and justified, applicable in a conducive and stable socio-economic context. Nevertheless, three issues are to be considered: the socio-economic conditions; the security conditions and the will to put them into practice.