Part of studies on the efficiency of the education system, this study aims to determine the individual variables of the school principal which significantly influence the performance of schoolchildren in life skills. After analyzing performance, the conclusions are as follows:From the demographic background, the best performances are those of schools run by women; also, the oldest directors produce better results. This question refers to the director’s seniority and experience.Regarding qualifications, schools lead by Graduate Directors produce the best results against State Graduates and Licensees. The directors who have achieved a high percentage in state exams are not necessarily those with the best results for schoolchildren. As for the option followed in secondary school by the directors, no difference was recorded.Seniority as director and seniority in the current school affect results despite atypical cases. For recycling, non-recycled managers achieved better results than recycled. The best performances are those of the most populated schools, contrary to pedagogical expectations.Homogeneous schools are more efficient than mixed schools. The number of teachers and the number of qualified teachers in schools led to significant differences in performance.Schoolchildren's results differ significantly according to several characteristics of the principals. It seems important to consider these when recruiting and promoting teachers to this school steering. Considering that we are in the humanities sciences, these results should be considered with caution and relativity.
This article laid down the objective to identify the characteristics of the teacher in function of which the performances of the schoolboys out of skills life differ significantly. Based on the demographic characteristics, the qualifications, the experiment of the teacher and the composition of the class, this study led to the results hereafter:
Two characteristics of the demographic background of the teacher proved significantly acting on the performances of the schoolboys: the sex and the age of the teacher. In the teacher’s background of the qualifications, it is the percentage carried out with the state examinations which proved to be significant contrary but not the studies’ level.
For the experiment of the teacher, all the variables retained for this study had an effect on the performances of the schoolboys: duration of the diploma, seniority in teaching, at the school and in the class and recycling. Let us note nevertheless that recycling showed a contrary effect rather.
Concerning the composition of the class, a significant effect was found to the number of pupils and the percentage of the girls in the class. About these results, certainly, the teacher’s characteristics constitute a substantial component in the education quality sought so much by all. However, it will not be rational to consider the significant variables here proven without taking account of the context, the medium and the moment in which evolves/moves an education system and especially of the effects of the analyses differentiating the "teacher’s characteristics" from the «educational practices".
The present study highlights the indicators of performance of the school system of the province of Ecuador currently dismembered. It analyzes the indices pertinants input, process of schooling and those of output with regard to the unfavourable position that this province occupies in the questions of schooling of the children in the country. With this intention, the data collected in 2014 at the time of a diachronic study by the Cell Technique Provinciale for the Statistics of Education (CIPSE) and consigned in a statistical directory were the subject of an exploitation and a major analysis.
It proved with the finish that, although the pupils are registered in mass (rough rate of admission to the primary education is 154,4% and 44,9% with the secondary), they do not finish many enough (the rate of completion is 65,9% with the primary education and 20% with the secondary). Many are those which stop in the course of road (the rate of loss is 80% with the secondary and 34,1% with the primary education). Among those which leave the system at the secondary level, one counts more girls (89,5%) that boys (70,6%) and more of the children of the rural mediums that those of the urban environments. The coefficient of effectiveness is estimated at 65,9% at the primary school when it is 20% only at the secondary school. The IRR classifies the new provinces in two groups. On a side less provided education for provinces and the most provided education for other.
The survey examines the influence of the variables of the school environment, the variable indivuduelles and those of the domestic environment on the performances in mathematics of the schoolchildren of 5th year of Bunia and Kisangani (RDC). To this effect, the data have been collected in 2014 on 48 primary schools of the two aforementioned agglomerations, did 4131 schoolchildren answer a reliable test (α =0,78) math and has a questionnaire of information been exploited to this end. The results showed a meaningful regression coefficient between 7 variables of three categories and the performances of the schoolchildren in mathematics. The contribution of all these variables combined to the total variance of the performances of the schoolchildren rise to 4,1%.
The survey scrutinizes the effect of the well-being feeling in the school on the scores in mathematics of the schoolchildren. This well-being to the school covers some personal features (behavioral, emotional, cognitive) of the pupil, but as sometimes social (relations with the equals or the adults of the school community) and contextual (ambiance, rules, discipline, school requirements, ...).
To collect the data, a reliable math test (ɑ=78) and has a questionnaire of well-being to the school been managed to the schoolchildren (2703) of 5th in 48 schools selected by the uncertain sampling technique, stratified and weighted.
After descriptive, correlative and regressive analysis, the scores of the schoolchildren appeared very dissatisfactory. The well-being contributes non meaningful manner (0,8%) to the total variance of the scores of the schoolchildren. What shows the very mediocre quality of life in the Congolese schools.
This study examines the connection between the feeling of personal effectiveness and the performances in mathematics of the schoolboys of fifth year of Bunia and Kisangani in Democratic Republic of Congo.
With this intention, the data were collected in 2014 near 4131 schoolboys of fifth year divided in 48 primary schools by a reliable test of mathematics. (α=0,78) et un questionnaire d^' auto-description
Grace at the analysis of the statistical regression, it proved that the feeling of personal effectiveness explains 6,6% of the original variance of the performances of the schoolboys of cinquème year of these two cities in mathematics.