According to Gaston Bachelard, the scientific character is constantly a consequence of a reform of the reason and the reality. Indeed, the imagination is necessary in this permanent confrontation of the experience with the reasoning. It is in the worry to make spring the new that is progressively separated truths that don't firmly hold. The déconstruction helps us to explain better this dialectics because, in this process, one doesn't stop to a simple opposition of facts; when déconstructing, one decides better while separating what invites less. The new openings whose science becomes tributary in terms of mutation, explanation and revolution constitute values then thanks to the ' logos', to the specific ‘allocutoire’ power of the science.
All activity constitutes a work of the knowledge. This one, according to bachelardian vision, clears itself from a discussion between acquirements of the science and the convenient problems. This gait remains inescapable for the societies development and for the case of species, the province of Sud-Kivu, where we made the state of places of various centers of research.
The question of leadership is a reality today in Africa. Proceedings are multiform and orientations are sometimes erroneous following feelings with which one deals this question. Can we say that man is indeed selfish and doesn't want to feel the woman in the domain of the management of politics? Is one able inversely to think that women themselves doesn't want or are they reticent to make their engagement in the politics? Are as much questions that could put himself.
To understand the sense and the level of engagement of a Congolese woman in particular and African in general, in the domain of the political management, the African tradition will be able to illuminate us. Thats why we will make some considerations about image that the African tradition made of the woman. This image that one makes about woman in africa, is it again able to hold in this century where the parity makes its resonance further "to free the captive of masculinity "? We think that in a State of right, everybody, man and woman, must bring his contribution through his expertises to really build a democratic State. And the woman must be from there really conscious and the society must prepare her to this new expertise that was previously out of preoccupation.