The goal of this study is to analyze the economic and social determinants of production boards. An investigation was conducted among 50 operators. Taking into consideration the nature of the data collected, we estimated an econometric model. Our findings show that economic variables influence 79.6% of production and social variables influence at 9%. Sensitivity analysis of this probability shows that economic variables have the highest marginal effects on the exploitation of wood that social variable.
The inventory of wood species producing the woods of works merchandised in the different big markets and clear soups in the city of Bukavu with the help of a questionnaire of investigation submitted to the different merchants lasted 6 months (June to December 2014), and cover some months of the two seasons thus of which the rainy (September, October, November, December 2014) and the dry (June, July and August 2014). To the whole 16 species of woods were inventoried of which Pinus, Cypressus lagitanica, Eucalyptus sp, Ekebergia rueppeliana , Lebrunia Buchaie, Piptadeniastrum africanum , Ocotea michelsonii, Lovoa trichilloides, without mark, Grevellea robusta, Syzigium guineense, Entadrophragma excelsum, Milicia excelsa, Chrysophyllum gorogosanum, Zanthroxylum giletii and Cedrellea. Nindja presents a big number of wood species producing the sold work woods in the different markets of woods to Bukavu with 12 species is 75%, follow-up of Bunyakiri (10 species are 62,5%), of Mwenga and Kalonge with 9 species (either 56,25%) and of Walungu and Idjwi with 5 species (either 31,25%). the smallest numbers observe themselves to Burhinyi and Luhwndja (4 species are 25%); Katana and Kabare with each 2 species are 12,5%, and in short, Nzibira with 1 species is 6,25%.