Département de Biologie, Section d'Hydrobiologie, Laboratoire de Limnologie, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN-Lwiro), D.S. Bukavu, RD Congo
The inventory of wood species producing the woods of works merchandised in the different big markets and clear soups in the city of Bukavu with the help of a questionnaire of investigation submitted to the different merchants lasted 6 months (June to December 2014), and cover some months of the two seasons thus of which the rainy (September, October, November, December 2014) and the dry (June, July and August 2014). To the whole 16 species of woods were inventoried of which Pinus, Cypressus lagitanica, Eucalyptus sp, Ekebergia rueppeliana , Lebrunia Buchaie, Piptadeniastrum africanum , Ocotea michelsonii, Lovoa trichilloides, without mark, Grevellea robusta, Syzigium guineense, Entadrophragma excelsum, Milicia excelsa, Chrysophyllum gorogosanum, Zanthroxylum giletii and Cedrellea. Nindja presents a big number of wood species producing the sold work woods in the different markets of woods to Bukavu with 12 species is 75%, follow-up of Bunyakiri (10 species are 62,5%), of Mwenga and Kalonge with 9 species (either 56,25%) and of Walungu and Idjwi with 5 species (either 31,25%). the smallest numbers observe themselves to Burhinyi and Luhwndja (4 species are 25%); Katana and Kabare with each 2 species are 12,5%, and in short, Nzibira with 1 species is 6,25%.
An experience was taken to the laboratory of Limnology of the CRSN/Lwiro in view to verify if fishes Barbus pellegrini would get acclimatized well in captivity and would consume larvas of mosquitos because well-known of entomophages, it of the 23/04 at 12/05/2014. To the term of this one, we noted a good acclimatization of our fishes in their surroundings of raising; larvas of mosquitos submitted to our fishes were consumed since the 6 hours of their submissiveness. When to what was to know how much of larvas a fish could consume, a variation in active number of 4 to 10 larvas in 24h was him. It has is sufficient 9 to 14 days so that develop himself of mosquito larvas in adults.
A systematic sampling of the aquatic macrofauna of the Kalengo River has been achieved of October 2011 to September 2012 in five stations according to the method Man-time. To the whole 56 species were inventoried, repartees in 7 groups taxonomies to know: Bugs (35 species, either 62, 5%), Mollusks (8, either 14,3%), Fishes (6, either 10,7%), Annelids (3, either 5,4%), the Plathelmintheses (2, either 3,6%), Crustaceans and Amphibians (1, either 1,8%). Bugs, Mollusks and Annelids were present in all sites and it during all year round of survey. The evolution of populations of the aquatic macrofauna during the period of survey, watch a certain stability of the total specific wealth and a better representativeness during months of April and June.