The increase in yield in the production of amaranth and eggplant merit review the integration aspects of these vegetable crops to the raising of pigs from the need for soil nutrients in the chiefdom Ngweshe, a unit of significant size and located south west of the town of Bukavu, capital of South Kivu province.
Households living market gardening developed a system that leads to couple raising pigs to agricultural activities. Since the supply of fertilizer (organic and inorganic) requires the money on one hand and on the other pork raised in rural areas requires dietary supplement in addition to the feed and which also requires financial resources, this study shows the integration focused on the production of quality manure from buying cattle feed given to pigs and vegetables increased yield due to soil amendment by manure.
This was from the investment for the food to benefit in converting market gardening production. The increase in yield of vegetable gardens following the use of manure from pigs reared in households, the quality and quantity of manure produced before are improved integration. Production of pig fed forages and supplements bought from the fields’ income increases of over 50%. T hired household income after covering a production cycle in this system of production increases twice in both cases. This is observed in the increase of crop biomass and increased weight gain in animals and it is seen in terms of money when selling.
Bukavu, a town which currently has over one million of people, while it was built for a capacity of only 100,000 souls experiencing serious household waste management problems. We targeted the area populated by no less and in which the buildings are up to anarchic make it difficult and even complicated waste management and all kind of household waste. Household waste to the tune of 15 to over 50 kg per family are thrown into unspecified locations which often easements created by erosion. These wastes are diverse ranging from biodegradable compounds to non-biodegradable compounds. Note that in most cases occasional dumps are created based on natural pollution sources or plumbing leaks REGIDESO or low class families draw water for domestic use. The virtual absence of garbage, inadequate recycling or waste disposal, the use of well water (bizola) and the upsurge of waterborne diseases are key elements to address this issue of great significance. These puddles and garbage dumps are nests of mosquitoes and other microbes responsible for malaria and some waterborne diseases. This issue therefore aims to provide a solution to track in the household waste management in order to improve public health in the city of Bukavu.
Managing the post-weaning period in children-farm in North Kivu is a problem that requires the use of local products of agriculture. A composite flour made from corn, sweet potato, pumpkin and soy has been proposed to substitute breast milk. Three treatments were then developed with each clean overalls him. The physico-chemical analyzes and the organoleptic characteristics tests were then performed on the three treatments at the end of which the following results were obtained: - Treatment III, containing 30% corn, 40% of sweet potato, squash 10% and 20% soy, was found to be the combination that offers many advantages over other light of its wealth protein, minerals and vitamins; - The composite flour obtained has remarkable physicochemical properties. Low humidity for proper preservation, a protein capable of covering in small quantities the protein needs of children under one year, an acceptable percentage of fat needed to provide essential lipids in the body without so ask digestion or diarrhea problems. The only drawback it has is that it contains few minerals and vitamins. - When compared to breast milk and formulations already developed in the North, the composite flour obtained is illustrated with a high protein content (16%), low humidity and a share of acceptable fat. It also has weaknesses as regards mineral salts and vitamins. - The organoleptic characteristics of this flour have been very interesting with an average rating of "very good" from every point of view whether the aroma, the taste and color.
La production des légumes devient de plus en plus impérieuse dans les agglomérations comme c'est le cas dans la ville de Bukavu dont la population accroit avec une vitesse anachronique au taux de normal de la démographie. Cette étude intéresse la production en termes de biomasse des feuilles de chou rouge et dont l'observation a portée sur la croissance, la formation des pommes et le rendement sous différents traitements d'engrais organiques. Les résultats sont évalués à deux niveaux : Sur le plan de l'analyse physico-chimique des sols, il ressort un apport considérable dans le changement de la composition du sol enrichi. Le fumier est plus remarquable en apport d'azote et de phosphore, l'engrais flamand en complexe d'échanges (Ca, Mg, K) et le phosphore. Sur le plan de l'évolution des plantes, l'engrais flamand vient en premier sur les aspects : nombre (33,8 - 47,4), taille (312cm2 - 902cm2), coloration des feuilles (vert rouge – vert cendre rouge), diamètre de pomme (3,2-6,2), rendement/ poids moyen (0,35kg – 0,65kg). Les résultats pour le fumier et le compost sont de moyenne entre l'engrais flamand et le témoin. Ce qui rassure de remettre à la terre ce qu'elle perd après récolte dans les champs et vendues comme denrées alimentaire. L'engrais flamand et sa production en quantité suffisante dans le cadre d'assainissement des sanitaires à travers la ville de Bukavu, offre une opportunité et constitue une alternative de renforcement dans la production du fumier de la spéculation leguminière.