In the region where Banana tree Bacterial Wilt Disease has decimated banana tree plantations after many years, peasants who have only this culture as source of income co-op do not know what to do in order to cope with this continuing plague which lasts for more than a decade. Nevertheless with more or less resistant varieties including the FHIA-25 in the introduction, hope is allowed. However, in the process of planting plantations, regardless of fertilization and which our study has focused on the organic and mineral amendment, nothing can open on an issue to restore the banana fields around the huts in the agglomerated villages. Therefore, soil enrichment based on Tithonia, cow manure and ash is a way out among alternatives allowing farmers to resume the restoration of their banana plantation’s heritage. The results are promising in an endemic zone of banana wilt, sign of devastation, the respect of settlement with organic manure coupled with a versatile fertilizer produced with Tithonia and wooden ash, banana growing rapidly and the vigor of the plants presents an identical aspect to that under the natural conditions, with more performance on soils recognized as being too poor.
Milking as practiced in farms without devices ensuring hygienic measures in the highlands of Mulume-Munene in South Kivu drew our attention to study the hygienic quality of milk according to milking mode. Hand milking in most cases in an open kraal or barn is prone to many risks of microbial contamination. The results show that despite the existence of total coliforms, faecal coliforms, staphylococci and streptococci below the average threshold in gross value, especially less than 1x106 and 1x102 / CFU, there is no tuberculosis bacillus. Note that this milk is directly consumed fresh or marketed after processing into curd, That is "Mashanza".
La production des légumes devient de plus en plus impérieuse dans les agglomérations comme c'est le cas dans la ville de Bukavu dont la population accroit avec une vitesse anachronique au taux de normal de la démographie. Cette étude intéresse la production en termes de biomasse des feuilles de chou rouge et dont l'observation a portée sur la croissance, la formation des pommes et le rendement sous différents traitements d'engrais organiques. Les résultats sont évalués à deux niveaux : Sur le plan de l'analyse physico-chimique des sols, il ressort un apport considérable dans le changement de la composition du sol enrichi. Le fumier est plus remarquable en apport d'azote et de phosphore, l'engrais flamand en complexe d'échanges (Ca, Mg, K) et le phosphore. Sur le plan de l'évolution des plantes, l'engrais flamand vient en premier sur les aspects : nombre (33,8 - 47,4), taille (312cm2 - 902cm2), coloration des feuilles (vert rouge – vert cendre rouge), diamètre de pomme (3,2-6,2), rendement/ poids moyen (0,35kg – 0,65kg). Les résultats pour le fumier et le compost sont de moyenne entre l'engrais flamand et le témoin. Ce qui rassure de remettre à la terre ce qu'elle perd après récolte dans les champs et vendues comme denrées alimentaire. L'engrais flamand et sa production en quantité suffisante dans le cadre d'assainissement des sanitaires à travers la ville de Bukavu, offre une opportunité et constitue une alternative de renforcement dans la production du fumier de la spéculation leguminière.
This paper is a report on epibenthic algae identified in water samples recovered from Kahuzi-Biega National Park streams. The samples were collected during dry season (July-August 2007) from 10 streams. Altogether, some 170 species with 9,872 individuals have been identified, belonging to 6 algal groups containing 61 genera. Bacillariophyceae with 3,550 individuals (61 species, 20 genera) formed the most abundant group followed by Cyanophyceae with 2,551 individuals (47 species, 12 genera) and Chlorophyceae with 1,685 individuals (30 species, 15 genera). This algal community is very diversified and balanced (Shannon-Weiner index varied between 4.44-4.67, Species Diversity between 15.81-13.31 and Equitability between 0.97-0.99). The higher number of species (114 species, 55 genera) was recorded at station MV and the lesser number (91 species, 51 genera) at station MG.