Sustainable development approach of the contemporary times is vitalizing the potentiality of Brownfields. Future developmental strategies anticipate Brownfield development to confer the optimization of greenfield development strategies. ‘Brownfield Development’ is considered to be one of the wisest approaches in the redevelopment applications from the past few decades across the globe. Practicalities demanded a technical approach in identifying and treating brownfields so as to get sustainable results. Successful case examples accorded that scientific treatment of brownfields yielded effective results in US and UK. This paper helps in knowing the characteristics of brownfield sites; understanding the implications of scientific treatment of brownfields with successful case examples across the world. This paper focuses on critically analyzing the scenario of ‘brownfield development’ in India; contemporary status and expected future challenges. Brownfield development strategy in India is limited to urban planning framework, with a negligible count of technically dealt projects. India, being a developing nation with rich diversity and resource potential, anticipates sustainable results in redevelopment implications. This study predicts certain challenges such as environmental related issues, managerial techniques, technical assistance for remediation, infrastructural development, shortcomings in contemporary methodologies in India etc. And, tried to recommend few strategies by taking due reference from successful examples on real time. Inferring from the predicted circumstantial lattice, this research concludes with identifying the necessity in formulation of an exclusive ‘Brownfield Code for India’.
The population's growth in both territories of Abomey and Bohicon has generated a dynamic of spatial occupation transforming these different spaces. This article has analyzed urban dynamics and the changes that take place there. The adopted methodology combines the documentary research and the diachronic method. The data from the various censuses of the population, the observation and the Landsat TM, ETM +, OLI / Shots images were processed and analyzed. From 1986 to 2017, tree and shrub savannahs and swamp formations lost respectively 89% and 35% of their areas in Abomey, while in Bohicon these savannas lost 94% to the detriment of built-up areas, mosaics cultures, fallow lands and marsh forest. The artificialized surfaces of the territories are 50% and 62% of which 17% and 19% of built-up areas respectively in Abomey and Bohicon In addition to its cultural and administrative functions, Abomey acquires the university function while Bohicon financial, tourism which adds to commercial, administrative and industrial function. The growth of these territories is done by adding new surfaces to the central urban core, so as to merge two districts forming a conurbation. Real urbanization rates have oscillated before settling between 2013 and 2017, to 84% for Abomey and 58% for Bohicon. These transformations would be nourished by peri-urbanization, which certainly could lead to urban sprawl, the factors of which will have to be identified for the sustainable management of these territories.
Stricken by a deterioration in its infrastructure and equipment, the Ivorian university has experienced a renewal of its space by the rehabilitation of all its university infrastructure since 2012. This study aims to analyze the causes and consequences of different residential practices of students enrolled at Alassane Ouattara University. This investigation is possible thanks to a gray literature on the issue of student housing, cartographic backgrounds on the space studied, as well as field work including interviews, a questionnaire and direct observation. The results of our case study reveal that UAO students can not all find accommodation in university residences because of their inadequacy. Thus, the latter then adopt several modes of housing with their many consequences for their accommodation namely, university residences, students hosted and students renting excluding residences academics. Moreover, despite this multiple mode of residence, students prefer the proximity of university sites for their accommodation to the extent that they all prefer to approach these sites to benefit from the services offered.
In this reflection, we want to discover the origin of the problems which the users of telephones meet during the transmission and/or the reception of an electronic message. We discovered 9 frequent problems which the users of the telephone face. This is the way after analysis of data, we found diverse originate of these problems among which: the mismanagement of the band passes by the suppliers who record more subscribers than their information superhighway and it is added the system of activations which influence the users to emit at the same moment while the band passes available is low, the geographical situation, the use of an ineffective equipment it leads to the multiplicity of antennas everywhere in the city nevertheless a single effective antenna with a powerful transmitter would be enough, etc. We found that with the implication of the State and of the providers (network suppliers), we can limit the risk and put the users shielded from these problems for an effective communication. The telephony being a technology that got established in all the life of the man and it in all the domains, we were interested in these challenges to try to propose a track of solution both to the users, and to the suppliers through the State which is the regulating archetypal organ.
A survey on the evaluation of costs of fight against the malnutrition of vulnerable children has been conducted in Kisangani. This investigation aimed to value the loads that cause the restoration of a child badly fed living in Kisangani in a family.
The results of this survey showed that:
- The CNT Mwana Mupenda reached a maximum number of healed children at the 8th month of observation, with a rate of 438.09%;
- The CNT Bambou achieved a maximum number of healed children at the 24th month, with a rate of 1752.17%;
- The CNT CELPA got a maximum number of healed children at the 51st month, with a rate of 209.3% ;
- The CNT EUB reached a maximum of cured children at the 19th month, with a rate of 320. 37 %.
These results can be justified by the effort provided by the operators charged of health in the setting of sensitization of population and availabilities of supplies and inputs in the CNT as well as those of the parents.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential of fermented cashew kernel flour and unfermented kernel flour to be used in pastry and bakery. For this reason, these flours were produced and incorporated in varying proportions (20%, 40%, 60% and 80%) in wheat flour. The physicochemical characteristics and functional properties of cashew almond composite flours have been studied. The results showed that the fermentation of cashew kernels helped to significantly increase the protein, lipid and total polyphenol contents of cashew kernel flour. Also it was noted an improvement in the bioavailability of iron, zinc, calcium by fermentation. From 20% incorporation of cashew kernel flours, the physicochemical characteristics and functional properties studied of composite flours differed significantly (P <0.05) from those of wheat flour. Given the high oil absorption capacity and water absorption capacity (P <0.05) compared to wheat flour and the good nutritional quality of cashew kernel flours, they could be used in pastry and in bakery.
Hospital worn water of the University Private clinics of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) was evaluated for ecotoxicological tests.
The physicochemical parameters of the effluents of the university private clinics of Kinshasa taken in situ and ex situ test a variation active either with the rise for some, or with the fall for others. On the ecotoxicological level, worn water of the university private clinics has a toxicity against the species halieutics such is the concrete cases Gambusia affinis which were useful to us like indicator of toxicity of these effluents .On the four sites of taking away, it was noted that the rate of survivors decreased of a site with another. The rough concentrations (100ml) of the effluents did not grant less chance to the individuals to survive. The effluents are toxic with a lethal concentration going from 52ml to 100ml.
After a test of treatment in UASB of the whole of the effluents of the university private clinics obtained at the various outlets, the effluent has a very low toxicity at the populations of Gambusia affinis. After treatment, this effluent is toxic with a lethal concentration around 100ml.
The goal fundamental of this work consist in studying the state phytosanitary of orange tree in Ruzizi plain (DR Congo). So seven illnesses have been signaled like constraints to the culture of orange in Ruzizi plain, DR Congo. The greening was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 71.01% and severity of 2.8. The higher incidence was recorded in Kamanyola grouping with 78.9% and lower incidence in Sange area with 62%. The sigatoka was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 57.05% and severity of 2.89. The higher incidence was found in Kiliba grouping with 70.5% and lower incidence in Sange area with 48.5%. The gall was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 53.35% and severity of 2.98. The higher incidence was found in Sange area with 60% and lower incidence in Bwegera area with 47%. The tristeza was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 56.17% and severity of 2.98. The higher incidence was recorded in Bwegera area with 62.8% and lower incidence in Kamanyola with 45%. The aphids were signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 72.3% and severity of 2.83%.
The caterpillar was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 79.85% and severity of 3.12. The higher incidence of caterpillar was recorded in Sange area with 86.4% and lower incidence in Kamanyola with 73%. The mite was signaled in Ruzizi plain with an incidence of 57.65% and severity of 2.92.
The Djoumouna periurban forest, in Brazzaville, was studied according to three plots of one hectare each. With an original area of 8.5 ha in the 1990s, this forest has declined by 49%, following human activities, in twenty years. The floristic inventory revealed 898 trees of dbh ≥ 10 cm, either 299 ± 18.68 trees.ha-1 on average; Specific diversity reveals 106 species corresponding to 36 families, the most important of which, following IVF are: Fabaceae (78%); Rubiaceae (41.2%); Euphorbiaceae (35.2%). According to the IVI, the dominant species are: Pentaclethra eetveldeana (22%); Elaeis guineensis (15%); Pentaclethra macrophylla (14%); Plagiostyles africana (13.5%); Hymenocardia ulmoides (10.5%). The Shannon index averages is 3.44 ± 0.10 for maximum diversity average of 4.14 ± 0.03. The Pielou index average is 0.83 ± 0.02, no dominance is found within the phytocenoses. Data from biological indices coupled with floristics show that this ecosystem has a high specific diversity, against a low floristic richness. The diametric structure coupled with the skewness reveal a bad natural regeneration of the ligneous trees. The similarity coefficients of Jaccard (30-47%) and Sørensen (46-64%) show a difference floristic composition. This heterogeneity is the appearance of the area-species curve. The analysis of diaspores shows the importance of sarcochores (73% of species and 62% of individuals), hence zoochoria as the main mode of dissemination. This mesophilic and tropophilous forest is characterized by the Fabaceae of which Pentaclethra eetveldeana and Pentaclethra macrophylla are the markers.
La présente étude se propose de présenter, d'analyser et d'émettre un avis sur l'impact socio-économique d'un modèle optimal de production d'une entreprise industrielle dans la ville de Bukavu. Les résultats de cette étude permettront au pouvoir public de mettre sur pied de mécanismes l’allégement de taxation car ces genres d’activités contribuent au développement économique et social de la ville de Bukavu en particulier et de la Province du Sud-Kivu et de la RDC en générale. La question principale de cette étude est la suivante : Quel est l'impact socio-économique d'un modèle optimal de production d'une entreprise industrielle dans la ville de Bukavu ? Nous avons avancé l'hypothèse selon laquelle le modèle optimal conduirait à la réalisation d'un bénéfice élevé et qui permettrait d'une part de créer d'autres investissements d'extension comme l'installation d'autres lignes de production à Goma et à Uvira et avec comme conséquence l'embauche d'une partie de la population et d'autre part le modèle conduirait à la disponibilité des produits Bralima sur le marché mais aussi l'accroissement du chiffre d'affaires des vendeurs de dépôts relais et avec comme conséquence l'accroissement de revenus et ces revenus permettraient de subvenir aux différentes charges familiales mais aussi déboucherait à la création d'autres petites activités génératrices de revenu. Ce travail a du recours aux méthodes quantitative et analytique. Cette étude a été menée dans la ville de Bukavu et portait sur la société Bralima. Après étude, le modèle a un impact social et économique dans la ville de Bukavu.