The food function is interdependent of all species sharing the same ecosystem. The way of which the man filled this function can disrupt and to disturb this middle strongly. In our survey, we left from the question: what impact can - it to have the man's food behavior on fauna and the emergence of the conflicts inter - communal? This question allowed us to fix us two objectives in our survey: to show the harmfulness of an essentially flesh-colored food behavior in farming environment, to show the risk of conflict emergence inter - communal. The result shows that the Ascagna monkey is at a rhythm the game the clearer soup elevated and the rarity of this game in some sectors of the territory brings the invasion of the sectors rich in Ascagna monkey and multiplies the incident between tribes. The very elevated rhythm of withdrawal is harmful as well as the access to this resources that becomes more and more rare triggers a competition inter and intra communal.
The university today, designate an establishment that makes operate the production within (research), the conservation (publication), and the transmission (studies superior) of different domain of knowledge. We were interested in the opinions of the pupils meadows finalists on the question. We left from the main question: what perception the pupils meadows finalists have - them of the university? of this main question, we cleared two conjectures; the pupils meadows finalist would have a good perception of the university and they would keep a good picture of the university. The quantitative and descriptive approach has been kept to verify our conjectures. Three schools have been chosen at random in the city of Kisangani and two schools have been chosen in the schools of the city of Ikela. The questionnaire acted us as instrument of harvest of the data, the frequential numbering and the analysis of the results, served us to pull some findings.
The ecological crisis as well as his/her/its demonstrations captivates the attention of the entire humanity. In our survey, we left from the question: what they are the demonstrations of the ecological crisis? This question allowed us to fix us two objectives in our survey: to present the different demonstrations of the ecological crisis and their consequences on the population; to show that the demonstration of the ecological crisis varies from a middle to another. To reach these two objectives, we consulted the documents treating the ecological crisis and the investigation done in the city of Kisangani and the farming city of Ikela. The result shows that in the city of Kisangani and the farming city of Ikela the heat, the drought and the floodings are the demonstrations of the ecological crisis. The heat is observed in the cities and the drought in the farming surroundings. What shows that the demonstrations of the different ecological crisis according to the middle. At the end, we raised some questions that can be the subject of the ulterior studies.