The University Teachers´s Training is not only a specific training plan for each university, but also implies a way of improvement and a methodological change.
In the new educational environment (Iberoamerican Higher Education or the European Higher Education Area), the University teachers require new ways for educational tasks in order to bring closer the University to the social environment in which it is located.
In this context, teachers need to experience other new ways of teaching though in many cases they have not even received the necessary training - to be effective and successful.
University Teacher's Training Plans are necessary to provide the essential skills for a more efficient teaching task, according to the new requirements to improve the results in the student's assessment mainly focused on the acquisition of productive and valuable skills.
We present the implementation of an Educational Innovation Program for those students enrolled in the first year of the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources at the University Pablo Olavide, during the 2013-2014 academic year, with the aim of encouraging the participation of students in the continuous assessment of the Statistics course to promote the acquisition of practical skills.
Regarding to the methodology followed in the development of this experience we do believe that this principle is applicable in any University and -other University courses.