The study is a contribution to the knowledge of Rodents and Shrews diversity in Yasikia forest, located at 31 Km from Kisangani, on the road towards Opala. On transects, Rodents and Shrews were sampled using the protocol with [xPF, ySH]. A total of 13 sampling lines were observed during 15 days (from March 26 to 11 April 2015). As results, we collected 74 shrews, belonging to two genera at least 9 species; 68 rodents which represent 9 genera and 12 species. In total, we collected 145 small mammals, with a trapping effort of 6478 trap-nights. The specific biodiversity and trappingsuccess showed that Pitfall traps are the most efficient to capture Shrews. It also catches small Rodents and adult such as, and other adults’ rodents as Praomys genera, but with reduced number. Sherman traps are more effective to catch Rodents. They also catch shrews in reduced number. The trappings were conducted in three habitats. In the primary forest G. dewevrei (EC = 1060 night-traps, 50 specimens, 14 species, and TS = 4.72%), mixed primary forest (EC = 1500 night-traps, 69 specimens, 15 species, and TS = 4.6%) and fallow land (EC = 440 night-traps, 23 specimens, 9 species, and TS = 5.23%). No new species was announced but rather the presence of three endemic species of which two (C. Goliath and L. huttereri) are rare.
A floristic and structural composition studies of Kponyo forest, a forest close to the hunting field of Bili Uélé, was carried out with the aim of knowing the variability of the forest types through the evaluation of the parameters such as abundance, taxa predominance, basal area, biodiversity indices and the mode of space distribution of the dominant species in each inspected site. The method of subplot made it possible to sample two hectares (8 pieces of 50 m X 50 m). On the whole, 636 individuals belonging to 173 species and 66 families were inventoried. The species Gilbertiodendron dewevrei abounds the hydromorph land forest while the species Garcinia epunctata abounds the firm land forest. The Fabaceae family dominates this florule. Basal area average is 28,14m2/ha. The analysis according to the K repley® function of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei and Garcinia epunctata shows a random distribution within the settlement.