This paper presents the results of the detailed petrographical analysis of sandstone samples from three wells from the offshore Ivorian Basin. The study reveals the presence of three types of sandstones in the Albian – Cenomanian succession, namely subarkoses, arkoses and lithic arenites, with dominant detrital minerals comprising quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments. The main authigenic minerals comprise calcite, siderite, silica, kaolinite and pyrite, while the key diagenetic events include compaction, dissolution and recrystallization of feldspar, neoformation and replacement of feldspar, and finally cementation. Primary pore spaces are reduced or occluded by calcite, silica, siderite and pyrite. Secondary porosity was created locally from the dissolution of feldspars but has been partly reduced by authigenic kaolinite. The presence of illitized kaolinite overgrowths and dissolved feldspars, together with significant quartz and the mainly concavo-convex and stylolithic contacts between quartz grains, suggest that the Albian-Cenomanian sandstones of the Ivorian Basin have reached an advanced stage of diagenesis. These diagenetic processes affect petrophysical values which varied as a function of depth.
The layers lithology traversed by Abouabou drilling was studied using successively 32 samples to a depth of about 240 m.
The log established indicates a high level of clay about 63 m, the bottom to the surface. This level is followed by alternating average levels (about 26 m) of sandy clays and sands rich in limestone, with a thickness of 72 m.
This assembly is surmounted by average to low levels sandy (40 to 09 m), with calcareous intercalation to the surface. These sands alternate with clay banks of 16 to 10 m. the grain size analyses show essentially coarse to very coarse sands. They have generally bad standings with a strong asymmetry to the fines. Although their characteristics argue for a reduction in their water holding capacity, these sandy levels are still favorable hydrogeological tanks.
Sampling of water from the drilling Abouabou was used to measure the following physico-chemical parameters such as pH, electric conductivity, temperature, turbidity, content of silica, chlorides, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, manganese, copper, ammonium, sulfates, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and fluorides. Drilling Abouabou aims to increase water supply capacity of the city of Abidjan and its surroundings. Analysis of physical parameters indicates a neutral pH average of 6.8 ± 0.16 units and an average temperature of 28.83 ± 0.7 ° C. The water is highly mineralized and low in suspended solids with a conductivity average of 2990.83 ± 31.55 μ and an average turbidity 0.862 ± 0.91 NTU. The chemical analyzes, in turn, reveal a significant salinity making the water unsuitable for human consumption without pretreatment. A strong correlation is shown between the contents of chlorides and the physicochemical parameters such as temperature, pH, turbidity, content of iron and manganese. This shows that the drilling of water quality is mainly governed by the chloride contents. The geographical location of the structure near the Atlantic Ocean, deep character and a captive of the web (Continental Terminal) and the absence of solid salts (evaporites) in the formations traversed by drilling suggest two mechanisms either a seawater intrusion, a salinity heritage.
The present work aims at the realization of a biostratigraphic study based on planktonic foraminifera associations to the transition between the middle Eocene (Bartonian) and late Eocene (Priabonian) in the section of Ben Attya (BAT). This outcrop is flush in pelagic deposits of external Rif. The lithological point of view, the base of the section consists mainly of calcareous clay with flint sandstone intercalated with marl. Its upper part shows gray marl overlying limestone cement sandstone. The micropaleontological study to recognize associations of planktonic foraminifera characteristic of the Middle and Upper Eocene. The Middle Eocene (Bartonian) is characterized by the association of species Acarinina pseudotopilensis, Acarinina topilensis, Acarinina spinoinflata, Acarinina bullbrooki, Truncorotaloides libyaensis, Turborotalia frontosa, Morozovella lehneri, Morozovella crassata, Orbulinoides beckmanni, Hantkenina dumblei, Turborotalia boweri, Hastigerina cf. bolivariana and Hantkenina liebusi. The Upper Eocene (Priabonian) is highlighted by the presence of species Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta, Hantkenina alabamensis, Globigerinatheka tropicalis, Turborotalia cerroazulensis, Turborotalia cocoaensis, Turborotalia cunialensis and cribrohantkenina inflata. Over the entire range studied, five (5) expansion biozones have been recognized. The biozones Morozovella lehneri, Orbulinoides beckmanni and Morozovella crassata are characteristic of Bartonian. The biozone Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta covers the transition from Bartonian and Priabonian. The last biozone (at Globigerinatheka index) corresponds to the lower part of Priabonian.