Aloes are included to a non-timber forest product and they were a natural potential of Indonesian forest. In Maluku, aloes are more common founded in the Southeast Maluku district, Southwestern Maluku and Centreal Maluku. In Indonesia there were16 kinds of trees that can produce an aloes including 6 species grows in Maluku region, but they have not been commercially used by the society in the Maluku region. White Aloes (Aquilaria filarial) were the one of local Maluku that often found in the Manusela village Seram West part. Studying the association of white Aloes (Aquilaria filarial) plant ecology, it was very important to obtain the maximum results, especially in the land utilization system, the plant cultivation technique, as well as the type that suitable to plant jointly with the white Aloes (Aquilaria filarial) plant. Types that have the strongest association ability were the spouse of Aquilaria filarial and Ficus elastic. Aquilaria filarial and Cananga odorata. Types that have a weakest association ability with the Aquilaria filarial were Euchaliptus sp. Based on the analysis results of cluster, the type of which is considered capable to assosiate with the white Aloes (Aquilaria filarial) were: (a) Aquilaria filarial and Euchaliptus sp; (b) Aquilaria filarial and Ficus elastic; (c) Aquilaria filarial and Cananga odorata; (d) Aquilaria filarial and Cananga odorata; and (e) filarial Aquilaria and Miristica fatua.