A study was conducted on the Ivorian South-East shoreline, from January 2014 to December 2015, to improve the knowledge of Coastal Birds. Bird counts using the transect transect method identified 140 birds species belonging to 44 families of 16 orders. Nine species are newly observed in this environment. The stand also includes seven species on the IUCN International Red List of Threatened Species, 15 species endemic to the Guineo-Congolese forest biome and two species endemic to the Sudano-Guinean savanna biome. From a biogeographic status point of view, the species are of diverse origins, with 76 resident species, 38 migratory species, 34 of which are Palearctic and 26 are mixed species. At the level of preferential habitat, the stand has a preference for wetlands (57 species) and open habitats (57 species). Twenty-one species are secondary forest birds while 5 species are primary forest birds.
The study in-Angré Djibi (Cocody) during the period January-December 2012 aims to improve our knowledge of birds in urban areas of Abidjan. To do this we conducted a qualitative inventory of birds by direct observation and using the transect method with points counting. In total 73 species distributed in, 32 families and 14 orders were counted. From the biogeographic status point of view of 45 these species are resident, two species are intra-African migratory, 8 species are from Palearctic, 17 are both resident and migratory. From the point of view of the preferred habitat, 21 species (28.76%) are water birds, 47 species (64, 38 %) are birds of open habitats, and 5 species (6, 84%) are from secondary forests.