This research gives detailed knowledge on the lithic- geology and brief knowledge on trace fossil analysis of the study area. These lithofacies have been organized into six main lithostratigraphic units namely: Unit A, Unit B, Unit C, Unit D, Unit E and Unit F. The lithic fills of the area show an undulating topography with thickness increasing towards the eastern, south eastern and north eastern parts. Six uneastablished lithofacies(Unit) were encountered which includes fine grained friable Sandstone, dark grey Shale, White to pink clay, fine to coarse grained Sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone and heterolithic Sandstone and clay facies coined out from the establish Ajali and Nsukka Formation that underline the area. This formation was dated upper Maastrichtian with the Ajali Sandstone underlying the Nsukka Formation. Sandstone sedimentological analyses b (sieve, grain size analysis) and record of Scoyena and Skoliths ichnofossils indicates a parallic environment (Delta platform and Delta slope realm).