Lotoko is a traditional drink obtained from the distillation of mash resulting from uncontrolled spontaneous fermentation of cassava and malted corn; it is heavily consumed by a large section of the Kinshasa population, generally proletarians. This study conducted in Kingabwa, a district of Kinshasa Limete was intended to contribute to the statistical analysis by ANOVA and PCA of the physico-chemical characteristics and metallic trace elements of Lotoko. From this study, it appears that the specific density of Lotoko between 0.9691 and 0.9788 is statistically similar in all production units, while the pH (below 4.0), alcohol (15 to 16% by volume), turbidity (3.70 to 46.70 NTU), iron (0.06 and 0.18 mg/l), lead (0.10 and 0.20 μg/l) and copper (less than 0.01 mg/l) were not. During the principal component analysis (PCA) of different samples of the drink under study, the first two dimensions were retained because they represented 85% of the information contained in the database. The first dimension revealed a first link between alcohol, pH and iron, explaining 61.4% of the total variance; another between density, turbidity, accounts for 26.1% of the variance. The second dimension revealed that two producers are close to each other by pH and all three others are different. No variable weighs on all the other variables, nor does it influence them.