The recurrence of droughts season in the Sahel, related to rainfall deficits and increasing anthropization, has consequences on the ecosystems production. This drought affects the production of date palms despite its great phenological plasticity (adaptability) to arid zone conditions. The aim of this study is to characterize the population of P. dactylifera L. in the Agadez region for a better knowledge of the ecology of the species and its socio-economic importance. Thus nine (9) villages were prospected on the using of systematic sampling, including three (3) in the municipality of Dabaga, four (4) in Tabelot, one (1) in Tchirozérine, and one (1) in Ingall. In each village, the forest inventories were carried out. These surveys were made along the transects in plots of 50m*50m. A total of 89 plots were prospected and 25 ligneous species belonging to 22 Genus and divided into 15 families were inventoried. The most represented families are: Mimosaceae with seven (7) species (28%), Arecaceae with (8%); Capparaceae (8%); Myrtaceae (8%); Rutaceae (8%) with two (2) species each. The population of P. dactylifera in Agadez is characterized by young trees (with the shape parameter c=3.19), a high IVI (76.71%), a density varying between 36.86 to 194.77 tree/ha, a regeneration rate of 9 to 54% for semis and 25 to 85% stump rejection. This prospective study constitutes a basis in the program for sustainable development of the Aïr palm groves.