Diplômé d’Etudes Approfondies en économie, Chef de Travaux à ISC Lubumbashi, Doctorant à la Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Département de l’Economie, Université de Lubumbashi, B.P. 1825, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
In this article, we are motivated by the educational demand which is low in Haut-Katanga in view of mixed financing. Thus, the educational market in this province reveals an imbalance linked to the financing of the educational supply and demand in deficit. Therefore, this request is grouped into five categories according to geographical areas and study costs in terms of costs. Several actors finance the demand and the supply which in turn is grouped into four categories in view of the cost of physical and material investments. These are the State, households, learners in the dynamics of educational financing of households, partners, and businesses. Several reasons are mentioned in this article among which economically, we have the centralized coordination of the educational market and the low income of households which justifies the low demand for education. Moreover, these reasons do not encourage households to send their children to school. In other words, the educational cost and benefits (benefits) are at odds with the labor market for the majority of learners. This is justified by the obsolescence of certain courses organized on the educational market at the secondary level. As a result, these streams do not keep up with the changing economic and technological environment that should benefit learners, their families and the province in the future.
Thus, the educational market shows the remarkable deficit in terms of financial resources, infrastructure, accessibility and future economic and technological advantages of learners in the province of Haut-Katanga because the objective that the State is assigned is not reached.