Introduction: The aging of the society goes together with the rising of the number of the edentulous people and so with the wearing of removable prosthesis Our study is an epidemiologic descriptive type having collected 1313 patients, carried out over a period going from December 2nd, 2012 to June 28th, 2014 at the university hospital center of odontostomatology of Bamako.The aim of our study, is to analyze the increasing number of edentulous people observed and its link to sociodemographic factors and life quality, among a population consulting for a removable prosthesis.Methods: we conducted an epidemiologic descriptive study from December 2nd 2012 to October 28 2014. We enrolled 1313 patients Using questionnaires and the variables studied were gender, age, occupation, level of education, reason for consultation, causes of edentulism, types of edentulousness, wearing of prosthesis.The statistical analysis of the data was carried out with the software SPSS N ° 12 French version. Statistical calculations were performed with Pearson's Chi2 with a risk α ≤ 0.05%.Results: In the population involved, the female gender accounted for 60.6% with a sex ratio of 0.65. Removable prosthetic rehabilitation mainly concerned young adults aged 25-34 (20.2%). Dental pain was the main reason for consulting patients with 52.9% of cases.Dental caries and its complications were the main cause of toothlessness with 69.8% of cases.There was a significant statistical link between the reason for consultation (dental pain or aesthetics) and the occupation of housewives (P≤ 0.05 Chi2 validated). Restoration of function concerned the retired people.There was a significant statistical relationship between age groups 25-34 years and partial edentulousness (P≤0.05 Chi2 validated) as well as between total edentulism and age group 75 years and over (P ≤ 0.05 Chi2 validated).Edentulous patients who never had a denture accounted for 89.0% of cases.Conclusion: A large part of the population had incomplete dentition. Our study showed descriptively a predominance of female sex with 60.6%. The most represented age group was 25-34 years old with 20.2%. Dental pain was the main reason of consultation with 52.9%.Edentation is still a real problem in our society.
The dental prosthesis is defined as an artificial device intended to replace the missing tooth or teeth and the related tissues. Clinical reality places us in front of an infinite dental edentation situation. For the rehabilitation of missing teeth, it is often necessary to manage simultaneously the use of all prosthetic techniques: partial and total prosthesis, fixed prosthesis and implantology.The aim of this investigation is to evaluate dental prosthesis needs in the University Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology of Bamako (CHUOS).A survey was conducted at Bamako University Hospital over a period of one month. The study included 400 patients who consulted for making dental prosthesis. Patients with 1-4 teeth to replace in the maxillar represented 30, 1% of cases and 30,7% in the mandible. The results showed the highest rate concerning partial removable denture prosthesis preference (83%) in comparison with fixed prosthesis which represented only 8, 75% of cases. Also, the partial removable prosthesis was diagnosed in 52,25% of cases.Edentation can be the cause of several problems in the oral cavity, hence the need to sensitize the population of the importance of oral health and the importance of wearing the prosthesis in case of losing teeth.