Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease whose control greatly influences the profitability of rabbit farming. During 7 months, the dynamics of oocystale excretion was studied in the town of Bingerville in Hyplus and local breeds does and their offspring. All does were mated to Hyplus males. A total of 456 aliquot samples from the 4 experimental groups were used, on the one hand, for diagnosis and evaluation of the coccidial load by mcmaster method. On other hand, means and morpho-biological criteria were used after qualitative flotation coproscopie for the identification of the different Eimeria species. A high prevalence of 100% and a total of 7 species of coccidia sometimes coexisting at 6 in the same individual were recorded. These are: E. Exigua, E. Perforans, E. Magna, E. Media, E. Coecicola, E. Irresidua and E. Intestinalis. Imported does (Hyplus) were more susceptible to coccidiosis than those from the cross between Hyplus and common breed (p˂0, 005). The observed excretion patterns revealed that the rabbits would be prone to coccidiosis in the beginning and the end of lactation while the sensitivity of the young rabbits would be more evident in the days following weaning. Furthermore, a joint analysis of the two coccidial profile show that does play an important role in the transmission of coccidiosis to their offspring.