In Burkina Faso, corpses discoveries are common especially in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso respectively the political and the economical capitals. These two towns are the most populous cities of this country. With a low rate of elucidation of criminal cases, legal entomology remains an asset for investigators if it is known. The purpose of the present study was to take stock of the knowledge of legal entomology among the main actors involved in the criminal investigations in Burkina Faso. To conduct this study, 192 actors in the judicial chain have been concerned. Among these actors, there was 107 policemen (55. 7%), 40 gendarmes (20.8%), 33 magistrates (17.2%) and 12 doctors (6.3%). After explaining the details of the survey, a series of questions was submitted to them. Of those responding, 86% recognized the importance of legal entomology and its introduction in their basic training.