Over its history, the Congolese Higher and University Education has gone through several phases of reform. Despite this, the crisis in which the higher and university education sector is stuck continues to threaten dangerously the future of the nation because of a new fact and little known to the general public, the politicization of public universities of countryside and the instrumentalization of justice in an attempt to prevent the heads of establishments from fully playing their police role of the institution. Ultimately, excellence gave way to mediocrity, the ESU becoming a real place of the upper mafia, with as a consequence the distortion of the Congolese youth by so called professors without any doctoral degree of which the thesis was defended publicly and obtained legally. Faced with these “new plagues”, the challenges to be met are tremendous. Thus, the current study poses the diagnosis and retraces the path to be followed by a member of the scientific and academic staff respectively, within a normative and regulatory framework of Higher and University Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. On the other side, we show how some politicians got involved in the academic management of the University of Gbado-Lite (considered here as a model system) to make it a private asset at the expense of quality assurance. Thus, the use of the "Congolese diaspora" in order to strengthen research and teaching capacities of our universities has given rise to organized and maintained cheating on a large scale.