[ Palmeraie de l’Aïr: Diversité, Structure et Régénération de peuplement naturel ]
Volume 65, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 30–47

Ado Ali1, Adamou Hamadou Wankoye2, Raila Ganda3, INOUSSA Maman Maârouhi4, MAHAMANE Ali5, and Mahamane Saâdou6
1 Université d’Agadez, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP: 199 Agadez, Niger
2 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, Laboratoire Garba Moukaila, BP: 10662 Niamey, Niger
3 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, Laboratoire Garba Moukaila, BP: 10662 Niamey, Niger
4 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
5 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
6 University Abdou Moumouni of Niamey, Faculty of Science and Technology, Departement of Biology Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, PO Box 10662 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The recurrence of droughts season in the Sahel, related to rainfall deficits and increasing anthropization, has consequences on the ecosystems production. This drought affects the production of date palms despite its great phenological plasticity (adaptability) to arid zone conditions. The aim of this study is to characterize the population of P. dactylifera L. in the Agadez region for a better knowledge of the ecology of the species and its socio-economic importance. Thus nine (9) villages were prospected on the using of systematic sampling, including three (3) in the municipality of Dabaga, four (4) in Tabelot, one (1) in Tchirozérine, and one (1) in Ingall. In each village, the forest inventories were carried out. These surveys were made along the transects in plots of 50m*50m. A total of 89 plots were prospected and 25 ligneous species belonging to 22 Genus and divided into 15 families were inventoried. The most represented families are: Mimosaceae with seven (7) species (28%), Arecaceae with (8%); Capparaceae (8%); Myrtaceae (8%); Rutaceae (8%) with two (2) species each. The population of P. dactylifera in Agadez is characterized by young trees (with the shape parameter c=3.19), a high IVI (76.71%), a density varying between 36.86 to 194.77 tree/ha, a regeneration rate of 9 to 54% for semis and 25 to 85% stump rejection. This prospective study constitutes a basis in the program for sustainable development of the Aïr palm groves.
Author Keywords: Phoenix dactylifera, palm groves, structure, Niger.
Volume 65, Issue 1, February 2023, Pages 30–47

Ado Ali1, Adamou Hamadou Wankoye2, Raila Ganda3, INOUSSA Maman Maârouhi4, MAHAMANE Ali5, and Mahamane Saâdou6
1 Université d’Agadez, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, BP: 199 Agadez, Niger
2 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, Laboratoire Garba Moukaila, BP: 10662 Niamey, Niger
3 Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, Laboratoire Garba Moukaila, BP: 10662 Niamey, Niger
4 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
5 Laboratoire Garba Mounkaila, Université ABDOU MOUMOUNI de Niamey, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Département de Biologie, BP 1066 Niamey, Niger
6 University Abdou Moumouni of Niamey, Faculty of Science and Technology, Departement of Biology Garba Mounkaila Laboratory, PO Box 10662 Niamey, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The recurrence of droughts season in the Sahel, related to rainfall deficits and increasing anthropization, has consequences on the ecosystems production. This drought affects the production of date palms despite its great phenological plasticity (adaptability) to arid zone conditions. The aim of this study is to characterize the population of P. dactylifera L. in the Agadez region for a better knowledge of the ecology of the species and its socio-economic importance. Thus nine (9) villages were prospected on the using of systematic sampling, including three (3) in the municipality of Dabaga, four (4) in Tabelot, one (1) in Tchirozérine, and one (1) in Ingall. In each village, the forest inventories were carried out. These surveys were made along the transects in plots of 50m*50m. A total of 89 plots were prospected and 25 ligneous species belonging to 22 Genus and divided into 15 families were inventoried. The most represented families are: Mimosaceae with seven (7) species (28%), Arecaceae with (8%); Capparaceae (8%); Myrtaceae (8%); Rutaceae (8%) with two (2) species each. The population of P. dactylifera in Agadez is characterized by young trees (with the shape parameter c=3.19), a high IVI (76.71%), a density varying between 36.86 to 194.77 tree/ha, a regeneration rate of 9 to 54% for semis and 25 to 85% stump rejection. This prospective study constitutes a basis in the program for sustainable development of the Aïr palm groves.
Author Keywords: Phoenix dactylifera, palm groves, structure, Niger.
Abstract: (french)
La récurrence durant ces dernières décennies des sécheresses, relative aux déficits pluviométriques et à l’anthropisation croissante, a des conséquences sur la production vivrière des écosystèmes. Cette sécheresse affecte la production des palmiers dattiers malgré, sa grande plasticité phénologique (capacité d’adaptation) aux conditions plus arides. Le but de la présente étude est de caractériser le peuplement à P. dactylifera L. de l’Aïr dans la région d’Agadez pour une meilleure connaissance de l’écologie de l’espèce (P. dactylifera L). Ainsi dix (9) villages ont été prospectés sur la base d’un échantillonnage systématique dont trois (3) dans la commune de Dabaga, quatre (4) à Tabelot, un (1) à Tchirozérine et un (1) à Ingall. Dans chaque village échantillonné, des relevés des espèces ligueuses ont été effectués. Ces relevés ont été faits le long des transects dans des placettes de 50m*50m. Au total 89 placettes ont été prospectées, et ont permis d’inventorier 25 espèces ligneuses appartenant à 22 genre et reparties en 15 familles. Les familles les plus représentées sont: les Mimosaceae avec sept (7) espèces (28%) suivi des Arecaceae avec (8%); Capparaceae (8%); Myrtaceae (8%); Rutaceae (8%) avec deux (2) espèces chacune. La population de P. dactylifera de palmeraie de l’Aïr est jeune (avec le paramètre de forme c=3,19), caractérisée par un fort IVI (76,71%), une densité variant entre 36,86 à 194,77 pieds/ha, un taux de régénération de 9 à 54% pour les semis et de 25 à 85% de rejet souche. Cette étude constitue une base scientifique dans le programme de valorisation durable des palmeraies au Niger.
Author Keywords: Phœnix dactylifera, palmeraies, Structure, Niger.
How to Cite this Article
Ado Ali, Adamou Hamadou Wankoye, Raila Ganda, INOUSSA Maman Maârouhi, MAHAMANE Ali, and Mahamane Saâdou, “Aïr palm grove: Diversity, Structure and Regeneration of natural stands,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 30–47, February 2023.