Volume 76, Issue 1, December 2024, Pages 23–38
Kundakama Mpanda1, Belarmino Garcia António2, Bilolo António Vemba3, Nzakiese Mbongo4, Mavambu Diankatu5, BAZANGIKA MFUMUANENE Victoire6, and Nsuadi Kiese Glodi7
1 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
3 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
4 Department of Computer Engineering, University of the Luanda, Angola
5 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
6 Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées Gombe-Matadi, Section Electricité, RD Congo
7 Department of Mathematics -Informatics, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu, RD Congo
Original language: English
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this work was to analyse the importance of the feasibility of using a geolocation alert system. With the evolution of technology and its growing importance in people’s lives, existing vehicle tracking systems work with the aim of providing vehicle monitoring along a route. To meet the needs presented by the students, an electronic system was developed that will be installed on the bus, which will have the ability to send its geographical coordinates, based on a GPS system, to the GÊNESIS App and store them, thus enabling enrolled students and staff at Kimpa Vita University to locate a particular bus. The system presented in this research is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use tool, with a sufficient degree of precision to ensure that the results meet the specifications of the requirements.
Author Keywords: smartphones, Arduino, RUP method, global positioning system.
Kundakama Mpanda1, Belarmino Garcia António2, Bilolo António Vemba3, Nzakiese Mbongo4, Mavambu Diankatu5, BAZANGIKA MFUMUANENE Victoire6, and Nsuadi Kiese Glodi7
1 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
2 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
3 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
4 Department of Computer Engineering, University of the Luanda, Angola
5 Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
6 Institut Supérieur de Techniques Appliquées Gombe-Matadi, Section Electricité, RD Congo
7 Department of Mathematics -Informatics, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu, RD Congo
Original language: English
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this work was to analyse the importance of the feasibility of using a geolocation alert system. With the evolution of technology and its growing importance in people’s lives, existing vehicle tracking systems work with the aim of providing vehicle monitoring along a route. To meet the needs presented by the students, an electronic system was developed that will be installed on the bus, which will have the ability to send its geographical coordinates, based on a GPS system, to the GÊNESIS App and store them, thus enabling enrolled students and staff at Kimpa Vita University to locate a particular bus. The system presented in this research is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use tool, with a sufficient degree of precision to ensure that the results meet the specifications of the requirements.
Author Keywords: smartphones, Arduino, RUP method, global positioning system.
How to Cite this Article
Kundakama Mpanda, Belarmino Garcia António, Bilolo António Vemba, Nzakiese Mbongo, Mavambu Diankatu, BAZANGIKA MFUMUANENE Victoire, and Nsuadi Kiese Glodi, “Design and implementation of a notification and geo-localisation system for the mobility of students and staff at Kimpa Vita-Uíge University,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 23–38, December 2024.