This study enabled to schematize the stages of work following principal centers of advantages of rattan sector, forest, via the village markets, 13 sites that 12 zones of rattan transformation and the Lubunga zonein order to better understand the socio-economic analysis of rattan sector surroundings of Forest Reserve of Yoko.
This descriptive part showed the existence of thirteen types of actors at level of rattan sector from harvest to consumption and of thirteen villages identified; twelve have been surveyed because the Forest Reserve of Yoko was excluded. The financial approach applied to these sectors showed that the activities of various agents are profitable. While the economic approach showed that the whole of value chain is not economically profitable.
The exploratory study revealed the existence of a sector under development precarious and nondurable because except the conflicts which exist between the riparian populations and the States which maintain them, the rattan moves away and nobody thinks of his replacement.