Agrarian conflict sticking lately actually comes from access and economic orientation of agrarian policies of the past. This chaotic place since colonial government and continued into the new order until now. The end of 2011, the national media exposes Mesuji case. A case characterized by its outstanding beheading video is torn into a national issue. The government immediately takes action to set up a Joint Fact Finding Team (Fact Finding Team) Mesuji case. Sector legislation concerning the management of resources contributed to the Agrarian enunciator Agrarian conflicts. Birth of various sectoral laws such as the law and the law of plantation forestry, impact on the management of diverse resources primarily agrarian land. The diversity of legal rules also cause disharmony that gave birth to the issue of inequality and deepening agrarian structure which leads to the agrarian conflict. Mediation process to resolve land conflicts between residents and the East Mesuji PT Prima Alumga (PPA), resumed. The company is ready to give some land to the citizens. Mediation meeting chaired by Regent Mesuji Khamamik, attended PPA owner Hepi Trenggono, Lampung Police Operations Bureau Chief Commissioner Sahimin, Tulang Bawang district police chief Assistant Commissioner of Shoebarmen, Head North Rawajitu Edyson Basid, and some community leaders Cambai River Village, East Mesuji. In the mediation meeting, Khamamik provide direction in order to resolve the land conflict mediation was undertaken in good faith and open mutual agreement. In previous meeting PPA agreed to manage his part of the land concession, then the results are given to people Cambai River and River Assembly.