The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of obtaining different types of credit on the production and income of rice faming households in North West region of Cameroon. This study is based on a sample of 183 rice farming households randomly selected within the rice growing villages in the region. The ordinary least square estimation shows that credit in kind, coaching, surface area cultivated, and secondary activity have a significant and positive effect on rice production. The Average treatment effect of the treated shows that Credit in kind is 51% and that for credit in cash 16.81%. Low effect of credit in cash is attributed to the fact that cash is used to handle other problems in the family. The study recommends that, rice farmers should adhere to farming organizations to permit them gain capacity building granted by UNVDA in combination to credit in kind such as seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc. and low cost rental of modern production tools. The upstream training on farming techniques is also required. Credit in cash should be limited. All these pull together will help to increase the production level that will go a long way to improve the income of rice producing households.