Objective: To determine the prevalence of the elevation of the hepatic enzymes and factors associated at people living with the VIH - AIDS followed to the CTA PHARMAKINA BUKAVU.
Methods: A retrospective transverse study has been led on 171 files of PVVIH having frequented the CTA of the Pharmakina Bukavu during the active period of 2006 to 2013. The data in relation with the biologic state of the PVVIH and the factors of risk of the elevation of the transaminases have been collected and have been analyzed by means of software Ear Info version 3.5.1. The test of Chi-Square and the Odds ratio have been used and the doorstep of significance has been fixed to a p value <0.05.
Results: Prevalence of the elevation of the GOT transaminases and GPT were respectively of 66.7% and 47.4%. The GOT transaminases and GPT were raised at the aged PVVIH, of feminine sex, co infected by the viruses of B hepatitis and C, under ARV consuming the alcohol and tobacco.
Conclusion: The prevalence of the GOT transaminases and GPT being raised at the PVVIH investigated, a good hold in charge, the non-consumption of alcohol, of tobacco and a regular control of the biologic parameters as the dosages of the hepatic enzymes, the serodiagnosis of hepatitis B and C could reduce the effects hepatotoxicity by our PVVIH.