Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is an exigent technology which is used to customarily monitor the patient’s critical data. Initially, the sensor nodes have been placed on the human body which is configured with the wireless devices for transmitting the data. Sensor nodes are typically powered by batteries with a limited capacity. To some extent it is possible to prolong the life of the network by controlling the energy consumption of each sensor node. Energy consumption during the information transmission in WBAN remains one of the most significant research challenges. This paper imparts the proposed method called Cooperative Virtual Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (PC-VMIMO) technique for Priority Based Energy Efficient Data Transmission, which is exclusively used to overcome the above challenges. In the same power transmission and lofty traffic overhead situations, this method can produce higher data rates and minimize the node transmitting time of the priority information, thereby reduce the energy consumption, latency, overhead and also improve the communication performance of the entire network. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in various performance metrics, compared with the existing methods.