Tackling the different problems faced by breeders of cattle in Mbinga-Southern area and promotes a sense of local communities for a self-management towards sustainable development in pastoral terms is key to make a selection of a productive system.
The goal is to improve the quality of livestock and its considerable production performance and at the same time, the concern that each breeder in Kalehe Territory, particularly those of South Mbinga turn their eyes on the application of new methods livestock for their high production.
The average number of cattle raised in the household is 6 cows, but farmers are exposed to enormous difficulties such lack of spawners, improved breeds, lack or under information regarding proper livestock grazing are low quality and insufficient, and no momentum is established by the state to help farmers.
It returns a load their self-management for the promotion of pastoral sector by the selection and purchase of broodstock improved breeds, for quality food systems, controlled reproduction and regular care for cattle in an intensive system stabling abandoning the As the extensive system which is the practice in which most breeders operate.