This article deals with issues on the weight and monetary system of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Azerbaijan. The basic weight unit of that time called as the "Caucasian shekel" had its parallel functioning in the form of payment equivalents. The Bronze bracelets merged on the basis of that system. They functioned as money and at the same time as the weight standard. The article presents a new version of the system with respect to the weight of that time.
The article deals with the version of origin (date, place) of Zodiac taken from the book of Carl Schwartz (1807) dedicated to the origin of the constellation and Zodiac. Considering the procession, Schwartzcertifies that the constellation was marked as a unique complex by an observer residing on the shore of the Caspian Sea, in Baku, at the latitude of 40 degrees north. He considers the date of origin of the constellation and Zodiac 1400 years B.C. (or 1400 years B.C. - 2800 years B.C.).