Laboratoire de Botanique et de Protection des Plantes, UFR de Mycologie, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, BP. 133, Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra, Maroc
Study of lichen those develop on the construction rocks of Chellah site, historical monument of Rabat (Morocco), we had the opportunity to encounter two types of lichens. Surface lichens, altering slightly the material are represented by Collema crispum, Roccella phycopsis, Xanthoria calcicola and Xanthoria ectaneoides. Encrusting lichen, known as major agents of bio deterioration of building materials, are also represented by six species: Aspicilia calcarea, Verrucaria nigrescens Toninia aromatica, Verrucaria calciseda (Bagliettoa calciseda) and Placidum squamulosum, Lecania spadicea. The importance of lichens, among other agents, in the deterioration of building stone monuments was discussed in this study.