The aim of present research was to find out the importance of Attitudes of Mothers. To conduct the present research, the sample was consisted of 300 mothers from different localities of Karachi, representing educated mothers (who can read English), of the lower middle, middle and upper socioeconomic classes. Their ages range from 22 years to 49 years. Notably, all the mothers were married and others like single, widow or divorced mothers were not included in the sample. Within this sample mothers were selected from Joint Family Structure and Nuclear Family Structure. After completion of the Questionnaire of Demographic Characteristics, Form of Socioeconomic Class and Case History Sheet of the Institute of Clinical Psychology, the IPAT-Anxiety Scale (Krug, Scheier and Cattell, 1976) and IPAT-Depression Scale (Krug and Laughlin, 1976) Dysfunctional Attitudinize (Therapy Form) Scale and DAS (Form A) were administered to the mothers. Scores of the forms administered IPAT Anxiety Scale and IPAT Depression Scale, Dysfunctional Attitudinize (Therapy Form) Scale and DAS (Form A) were tabulated to measure the that there was positive correlation between Anxiety and depressive symptoms and dysfunctional attitudes among mothers. The research helped to provide recommendations to the mothers that to decrease their anxiety and depressive symptoms they need to work on attitude toward life.