The main objective of this research is to measure the performance of a web application in terms of the perceived user experience. The study was done to determine the number of users a web page can support before recording an error. Different scenarios were used to demonstrate how the web page would respond under normal load and under peak load. The virtual campus "Moodle" was used for this demonstration. Two computers, one working as a server hosting a XAMPP as a web server and Moodle as web platform and the other working as client with Apache JMeter tool that measured the capacity and capacity test were used. The load testing started with a small number of virtual users and then, the load was increased to normal peak. From this, it was possible to observe how the application performed during this gradually increasing load conditions. In this experiment when there were 125 concurrent connections, the system recorded some errors. At the end of the research, some of the conclusions arrived at on the possible ways of ensuring maximum operation of web applications, were to increase the number of sockets in the server so that, it would increase the number of requests/responses and to reconfigure the httpd. mpm file of the Apache web server to allow more concurrent users.