The present study was conducted to find out the comparison between the visual perceptual ability of children with intellectually disability having ADHD problems and without having ADHD problem. On the bases of literature review it was hypothesized that visual perceptual ability will likely to be more disturb in children with intellectual disability co morbid ADHD problems as compare to30 intellectual disable children without ADHD problems. A sample of 47 children already diagnosed in which 30 intellectual disable children co morbid ADHD and 17 intellectual disabled children without ADHD were selected from special school and hospitals of Karachi. Their age range from 6-10 years, and belongs to middle socioeconomic class. Draw A Person (DAP) test used to confirm the IQ to assess visual perceptual abilities was administered by Good enough (1926) was used for the IQ evaluation was used to assess the visual perceptual abilities. Bender Gestalt Test (BG) by Koppitz (1963 was administered. It was found that there was a significant difference in the visual perceptual ability in intellectually disabled (ID) children with Attention deficit disorder ADHD disorder then intellectual disabled without ADHD.(df =45 t=-5.517p<.000). Recommendations for future avenues are also suggested.