This work is examining the sediments which results by Wesha river localated in Bukavu town. It opens out on two periods of five months each, from decemer 2009 to April 2010 and october 2014 to february 2015. On the first period, Wesha river lively average of 7, 4 tons of sediments suspension per a day and after five years ago result is 13, 9 tons of sediments, it increases of 85% percent. The specific degradation passed at ~0, 9 tons of the soil full out square meter of 1, 7 tons at square meter per a day. The 13, 9 tons of sediments which are observed at outlet, find out the originat 44% at the underwatershed of Cidorhwe river wich joins Wesha river at 1km to one's mouth. The new out break of sediments explain with speed up human activity in the watershed wich has 3000 household in 2009 to 5000 household in2014. The latter is responsible of soil bared on slopes sensitive to water erosion wich appears under aggressive climate (rainy period) of this region full of mountains.
The present work pretends to produce a pioneering work for future researchers who will be interested in the Luduha comunity so far as no scientific work has ever been realezed in that area where as it is an attic agropastora of the comunity of Luhwindja. The population of Luduha community has almost doubled within fifteen years passing from 4435 in 1999 to 8550 people in 2014 or a density of 328, 8 persons/ km² average, with a birthrate of 37,4 percent but the deathrate decreases with 10,5 percent, thus a high natural demography. It is a young population where in less than twenty years old represents 66, 7 percent with a high illeteracy rate. Among them 69 household chiefs who neglect studies. The spectacular growth of the population obliges villagers to practice fields associations because the cultivable surfaces are considerably reduced and pastures have decreased in the North, besides the community remains the agropastural attic of the whote population. The community has a silver potentiality where the exploitation is entirely homemade with many consequences on the people's life such as youngful delinquency, rural depopulation and negligency of works. The trade ex-changes which are most frequent in Luduha are farmwork with manufactoral imported products from neighbours.
The shaking of the earth's crust at any point causes vibrations that are transmitted across the globe. This movement has the effect of inducing in the soil and in the works of rapidly varying inertial forces over time. Its action is exerted essentially dynamic way, but it takes on different aspects in structures, soil. Is recorded structural damage equipment and manpower. South Kivu province, mainly the city of Bukavu and the neighboring countries were shaken by a violent earthquake, among the rarest recorded in the region, to Sunday 03/02/2008 9:34 local time (7:34 'GMT) . The 6.3 magnitude earthquake on the scale of RICTHER had its epicenter, according to the seismological observatories NSRF / Lwiro, around Birava in the same province, 20 km north of Bukavu, whose home was 33 km deep, according to still the same source (shallow earthquake: less than 60Km). It lasted about 20 seconds. This tectonic phenomenon has generated much of the damage as well geomorphological, material as humans.
The present work proposes the determination of the rainy thermical rhythm in three parts in Luhwindja based on the North, Center and South which has not been known for a long time. The south area of Luhwindja is better watered to some extent with 1753mm of water a year and the more less hot has got the everage yearly temperature of 17.4 degree centigrade. As the matter of fact three is not any month which is dry and scows can be transcorried the whole year; the monthly "ETP" being inferior to precipitations of all the twelve months of a year. The North's area of Luhwindja with a yearly rainy thermical of 1553mm the everage temperature is 19.2 degree centigrade. It is the part less watered with three months which are affected by atmospherically drought during (June, July and August) are affected by pedological drougth; the "ETP" being superior to precipitations for the three dry months. The Center receives on the one hand, precipitations coming from the North and on the other hand those of the South. It realizes 1611mmof water per a year and an everage temperature of 20.5 degree centigrade with three months affectedby atmospherically drought (June, July and August). On average the whole Collectivity of Luhwindja receives 1639mm of water per year and a temperature of 19, 03 degree centigrade.