Cassava retting is one of the main step for cassava processing. This step involve some microorganisms which activity impact on the quality of cassava derived products. With the aims of ensuring a good quality of cassava products, tree strains of microorganism namely Lactobacillus sp., Saccharomyces sp., and Rhyzopus sp., were tested as starter culture on cassava variety TMS 3001, fermentation. The use of this starter made of 109 cells/ml of Lactobacillus sp., 106 cells/ml of yeast, and 104 cells/ml of mould spores, permitted to reduce the retting time from five days to two days, to reduce cassava cyanogen by 95% and to ameliorate the hygienic quality of by products by eliminating pathogens development. This new approach may encourage industrial production of stabilized quality cassava derived product.