The survey carrying on the struggle against the bacterial wilt of the potato has been led between November 2012 and February 2013 on the Penap variety in the perspective to defend Solanum tuberosum against the aggressions of Pseudomonas solanacearum and to valorize thus potentialities them bactericidal and insecticide that offer Tephrosia vogelii and Nicotiana tabacum. To the results gotten it has been established that the use of the excerpts of T. vogelii about 200g leaves in one liter of water on the potatoes during one month stop not only the propagation of the illness but also increase the vigor and is important to prolong the longevity of the plantations reached. As for the use of N. tabacum in the treatment of the bacterial withering of the only potato, its mechanical effect against the vector has been found. The association of two plants however was a factor to high risk for the potatoes.
The survey carrying on the effect of the cultural practices in the struggle against the bacterial withering of the banana tree (wilt) in Kadjucu South Kivu area has been led during fifteen months in order to value the effects of the ablation of the male inflorescence, the unstamped and the cut of the sick stumps while using the disinfected materials. For that, we considered three impacts of which 5 to 10%, 11 to 15%, more than 20% and three witnesses of which one for every impact. And the duration of propagation of Banana Xanthomonas wilt in field has been valued. The results show us that the cultural practices are efficient if the illness is again in the beginning. So one can manage the bacterial withering of the banana plants by the cultural practices if the impact is lower to 20%, but if the rate of attack is raised more it is recommended to practice the rotation of the cultures. The duration of propagation of Banana xanthomonas wilt between two banana trees on a same stump is of vicinity two months and a half. Therefore these results show that this illness cannot be eradicated by these cultural practices. It is recommended to suppress the sources of inoculums and to eliminate the risks of dissemination in the fields which are not reached.