The analysis of the landscape can serve to value human actions on soil in the Lwiro region. The approach of the indicators bound to the management of soil in the region is not well stocked enough. These criteria had been verified by the direct observation of the intervention sites in relation with geology by simple and open questions to people of the village met for enlightenments on the state of soil by a transverse walk. The species indicator of infertile soil represents a negligible percentage (Imperate cylindrica 0,5% Guizotia scabra 0,6% Tagetes minuta 0,8% Rhychelytrum repent 1%) except Conyza sumantrensis 5%, Crassocephalum vitellinum 3%. broadly speaking the indicators bound to the management of soil in the region of Lwiro are represented better in Byalumba that in Muganzo and Tshibati. the agriculturists provide an effort to palliate to the difficulties bound to the management of the fields. The depth of soil is big in Byalumba 54cm follow-up of Muganzo 40cm and Tshibati, 38cm.
This study was undertaken in the Irhambi/Katana grouping. The purpose is to inventory sources for to determine the flow or theirs spatial distributions, to liberate the correlation between water quantity and household also presenting state source that is to say source hawk and not hawk also those dying up the grouping. The direct observation method and interview was used as a stopwatch and the global positioning system (GPS) for the geographic coordinates and the measurement of flow. The results of this work demonstrate that geographically, sources are unevenly distributed across the grouping. From a quantities point of view most of sources in Irhambi/Katana produces little water. And according to altitude, the finding is that there are fewer sources upstream (high altitude) and more sources downstream, the shores of lakes –Kivu. Water supply sources are very affected by seasonal variation of their flow during the year and this explains occasionally the use of water stream and Water Lake in spite of the latter condition that is polluted and therefore undesirable consumption.