Sen's capability approach differentiates between "being and doing"- with doing defined as what individual is capable of doing. And since individual's capability is dependent on as diverse factors as political voice, education, health, and social facilities, in this way culture turns out to be one of the primal factors affecting behaviors and capabilities of individuals, and that in turn can lead to economic and social development.
The scope of human resource development has become global and holistic and sociological concepts and perspectives have been incorporated to get a good knowledge of the social networks, values norms and other social as well as political institutes of the society which affect in one or another way the individuals, organizations and even nations. The core purpose of the study was to study the knowledge, attitude, and practice of PIDE students about social capital as a crucial factor in determining shape and pace of human resources development. Pakistan being a developing country is in dire need of trained, skilled, and educated work force. We tried to find out that the global changing trends do have an effect over here in Pakistan by using the KAP analysis. Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the respondents (PIDE students) selected through simple random sampling. Focus Group Discussions (FGD's) was also held for M.Sc., M.Phil. and PhD students. The results explained a lack of knowledge on the part of students about social capital or its importance. The social capital was an unheard word for the students of all level and they render it less important for any particular development policy. This baseline survey has opened up new vistas of opportunities for further digging up of Social capital.