Discriminant analysis of the problems involved in the classification of one or more individuals in one or another of a series of pre-defined groups. This is a statistical method for studying the differences between two or more groups of individuals or objects by considering several metric variables simultaneously. The discriminant analysis used to build a predictive model of allocation based on observed characteristics of each individual group. We will use this method to analyze a sample of customers taken from the marketing department of an industrial company in the region of Casablanca.
Linear programming is a very important tool for operational research. It is a generic tool that can solve many problems in engineering management. Indeed, once a problem modeled in the form of linear equations, methods ensure solving the problem exactly. Data and information needed to solve the problem and are assumed known in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to compute a linear program of production of an industrial company.
A control chart is a tool used in the field of quality control to control a process. It determines when a particular cause of a characteristic variation occurs, resulting in alteration of the process. For example, a manufacturing process can be switched off before producing non-standard components. The types of control charts most commonly used in the industry are control charts of the average and range. In this method, two graphs are plotted and interpreted simultaneously. Another type often used in economics, is the control chart for individual values. The aim of this paper is to construct a control chart of production processes of an industrial company.
Our goal is to determine whether and how the drug affects the survival time, comparing the survival curves of two groups of 21 patients, the first being treated, and the second component the control group. In the 6-MP group, only 9 patients showed a relapse, while 12 others were "censored" (cure or lost sight of by the leaders of the study). In the control group all relapsed. This is achieved by using the survival model and the Kaplan Meier.
This paper focuses on the modeling of financial resources of private social security organism, namely the determination of models or process able to reproduce the evolution of this component. From the optimal model chosen, monthly forecasts are established. Financial resources modeling and forecasts resulting are obtained by application of the univariate analysis of Box-Jenkins method, which is the most suitable for the study of time series like the series of monthly financial resources of social security scheme administered by the institution. This approach is to determine the model that allows more faithfully the reproduction of the evolution of the financial resources of the institution and forecasting on a determined horizon.
The objective of this paper is to estimate a model of simultaneous equations on macroeconomic data from 1980 to 2011. In fact economic phenomena of any complexity are described by a set of variables and their modeling requires in general more of a mathematical relationship, or equation, connecting these quantities, referred to as simultaneous equations models. There are endogenous variables, which are determined by the model, and the exogenous variables determined or fixed outside of it.
The objective of this paper is to examine empirically the pass-through of the exchange rate changes on the domestic prices. In order to take into account of bi-directional effects, as well as other macroeconomic factors, between domestic inflation and exchange rate changes, a vector autoregression (VAR) analysis is used, with four variables that are: the oil BRENT price, nominal effective exchange rate, consumer price index and the output gap. Empirical findings shows that innovations on the exchange rate cause a similar response on the consumer price index (CPI), also the consumer price index is influenced by the price of the BRENT barrel.
The principal component analysis, introduced by Hotelling in 1933, is a descriptive method which is aimed at the analysis of the data tables which does not have a particular structure, in other words, comments at first glance with no distinction between variables, or between individuals. The PCA aims to summarize information contained in an array consisting of large number of rows and columns, a few graphs in two dimensions, and more a number of digital features. We will use this method to analyze a sample of logistics service providers in the region of the great Casablanca in Morocco.