Enseignant chercheur en informatique de gestion, Institut supérieur des sciences informatiques et gestion de Bunia (ISSIGE-BUNIA), Province de l’Ituri, RD Congo
The new technologies of information and communication (NTIC) know, since decades, a fast development. The sector of health, in particular, saw to increase of very numerous applications. The notification by sms, television-medicine, television-diagnostic, telemonitoring, modify in depth the medical practices and the relation between the practitioner and his/her/its patient. Of what precedes, the application that we put in place has like elements of the bases to digest the conservation of the information of patients efficiently and to facilitate the access of it but also to permit a follow-up of the patients of chronic illnesses with a system of notification by SMS. We had for main objective to help the clinic to solve his/her/its problem of management of follow-up of patients any. The points summarize the gotten results below: We proposed some forms for the harvest of the relative data to the patients, personal, consultation, treatment, and to the medical prescriptions that will be the subject of notification then to the patients by the physicians. These forms replace the pre-printed matters cards of the former system validly; Does our application permit? the user to modify, to suppress and to search for the information easily; We proposed an algorithm of the opening of the session that allows the accés solely to functionalities of basis of the system if one authenticate itself/themselves in order to guarantee the security and the confidentiality of the information.