The present study was carried out to improve knowledge on the preferential environments for invasion of C. odorata with a view to combating the species. Four biotopes were selected: closed forests, ruderal areas without C. odorata (by the side of roads, under wires), ruderal areas with a young invasion of C. odorata (populations invaded by young C. odorata plants) of less than one year and ruderal areas with an old invasion of C. odorata (populations invaded by C. odorata plants with lignified stems, well-developed and massive shrubs) from one to three years. Floristic inventories and soil samples from 0 to 20 cm depth were carried out in quadrats of 4 m2 (2 m × 2 m). A total of 36 quadrats were placed using 9 repetitions per biotope. A morpho-pedological description of the BNP soils according to the toposequence was also carried out. The results showed that theBNP soils belong to the class of ferrallitic soils or Ferralsols. The summits are not preferential growth environments for C. odorata. The species adapts with difficulty to this type of environment. Mid-slopes are environments where we can observe the growth of C. odorata. The species manages to adapt to this type of environment. Finally, the bottom of slopes are preferential environments for the growth and proliferation of C. odorata. The species grows easily, proliferates and even becomes invasive.