This article is a contribution to increasing the profitability of broiler breeders in Kasaï in general and in Mbujimayi in particular, by developing a feed that would cost less compared to imported commercial feed. And to consider the possibility of replacing conventional protein ingredients with Vigna sinensis and QPM maize in the broiler ration. It appears that after 42 days of observation, the commercial food (R0) was better in terms of average live weight, i.e. 2,168 grams, while the food based on corn QPM + Vigna sinensi comes second position with 1,940.7 grams. The trend was further confirmed with regard to the quantity of feed consumed per chicken, the weekly weight gain, the consumption index, the weekly cost of feed. However, it was found that the commercial feed is expensive (18,995.49 FC) and provides a low profit (7,702.98 FC) compared to the feed based on QPM maize + Vigna sinensi whose total cost was evaluated. To 14,340.48 FC and having procured a profit equivalent to 8,997.92 FC. The substitution of Vigna sinensis as a protein ingredient can thus become a basic ingredient in the formulation of Cobb 500 broiler feed to replace the commercial feed which is imported into Zambia and whose price on the market is increasing. For poultry farmers, QPM maize and Vigna sinensis will be a way out to solve food problems in terms of quantity and quality.